
The State Of Black America Essay

Decent Essays

The State of Black America in One Word ~ Crisis! When I survey the landscape in black America, it does not take long for me to recognize the massive impression of a vehement struggle of a collective group of people to simply keep their head above water. The problem in the black community is that it is where every ill of this nation is felt first. It is the place in which much of the economic devastation is felt and absorbed in order to relieve some of the pressure off of this nation’s more affluent citizens. There are multitudinous signs that are highly indicative of the poor condition of blacks in America, and there does not seem to be any immediate relief in sight. If I had the responsibility of summing up the current condition in Black America in one word, that word would be “Crisis.” The term crisis is expressive of a pivotal point in which an already dire situation will either turn for the better or turn for the worse. The black collective is in crisis in almost every aspect of its existence — creating a situation in which proactive and strategic measures are in order. There is no shortage of layman debates and emotional activity; however, there is very little in the way of strategic engagement of the enigmatic issues that are incessantly pressing against the peace and livelihood of blacks across this country. On a national level, in 2014, the nation experienced significant struggles in the area of education, income, employment and socioeconomic advancement, and the

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