
Birk And Brirk

Decent Essays

A controversial topic such as abortion causes many heated debates. There are many people who are for, against, or have a balanced opinion of the issue. How we prove our point of any subject is the main objective. However, in the article “Selection, Slanting, and Charged Language,” by authors Newman Birk and Genevieve Birk, it explains the use of particular language and how we incorporate such principles into sense. Birk and Birk claim that before someone expresses themselves, it’s important to take in account what information was absorbed (31). “The principle of selection holds not only for the specific facts that people observe, but also for the facts they remember…in both noticing and remembering,…it is influenced not only by our special …show more content…

For example, if we have to facts about someone such as they’re annoying and supportive, we slant those details positively or negatively in some way we chose to combine them (Birk and Birk 32). Futhermore, Birk and Birk provide three changed impressions of the same object to display facts of balanced, for, and against. “In arriving at opinions and values we cannot always be sure that the facts that sift into our minds through language are representative and relevant and true” (Birk and Birk 34). The last method of slanting Birk and Birk utilize is charged language. “Words, some rather heavily charged, others innocent-looking but lightly charged, work together to carry to the reader a judgement of a person and a situation” (Birk and Birk 35). By using these devices, it provides the reader with a variety of emotions, a new perspective on language and how it’s performed in the world. Robert Ferris applies negative slanting in his article “Toxic Algae May Threaten West Coast Marine Economy for Years” to inform readers that the toxin is harming not only ocean life, but it’s also destroying …show more content…

The author explains that “researchers have observed domoic acid building up in the tissues of fish…” leading professor Raphael Kudela to state “That really suggests that it is really going to work its way through the food web, Kudela told CNBC. It has always been assumed cleaning the fish (meant that) you’ll be fine, as long as you are removing all of the viscera. Now, we are questioning that.” Ferris provided a fact, then included emphasis on how fish were usually cleaned, and that was the removal of all internal organs. However, Ferris wants readers to be aware of this matter by informing us that the traditional way of cleaning fish may no longer be efficient. Furthermore, Ferris claims that “the primary danger to humans so far still comes from eating fish caught recreationally” continues to say it’s important information and we are a potential target, “which [the toxin]can harm or even kill seabirds, mammals and humans.” As a result, these quotes are intended to give an emotional feel. Birk and Birk assert that “…we can achieve our emphasis and so can slant by the use of more complex patterns of word by order, by choice of connectives, by underlining heavily stressed words, and by marks of punctuation…” (Birk and Birk

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