
Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement

Decent Essays

While some parents may have told their kids to eat their spinach to grow strong like Popeye, my parents emphasised creativity; I grew up on a steady diet of innovation. When my parents batted away my persuasive arguments to get a cell phone, I created a contraption to strap my laptop to my chest so I could listen to music. In a burst of desperation fueled inspiration, I’ve used a straw instead of a valve to pump air into my bike tires. Currently, I’m using big data to design a methodology to identify the ideal number of independently occurring words inside a novel. In school, classes like biotechnology and nanotechnology fueled my obsession with innovation and new technology. They introduced me to the delights of RasMol and other modeling …show more content…

Even one mistake is enough for the system to collapse. Biomedical engineering is at the interface of engineering and medicine. It’s the creation of devices to help the body—and it’s fascinating. It makes me itch to learn about drug-delivery and tissue engineering; I want to create prosthetic hearts from soft material and use a Fourier Transform again. Class titles like “Biomedical Signs and Systems” and “Bioreaction Engineering and Design” thrill me. While in college, I hope to gain experience in the field by doing a co-op and research. The University of Michigan stands out for its research opportunities. It’s one of the few public schools which encourages its freshman to participate in research with its undergraduate research opportunity program (UROP). However, as a student who thrives in small communities, I’m most excited by Michigan Research Community; not only will it allow me to do research freshman year, it’ll allow me to live amidst a close-knit group of intellectual and diverse people. Though I want the benefits of a large university—greater school spirit, more class options, elaborate facilities and networking opportunities—I covet the rapport and sodality of an intimate group. As a result, MRC is perfect for

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