
Biomechanics Assignment

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Biomechanics Assignment
Lower Extremity
All answers came from Basic Biomechanics – 6th Edition.
Hall, Susan J. (Susan Jean), 1953- Basic biomechanics/ Susan J. Hall-6th ed. p. cm.
1. Name the ligaments that surround the hip joint
Ligament 1 Iliofemoral Ligament
Ligament 2 Pubofemoral Ligament
Ligament 3 Ischiofemoral Ligament
1b. Based on the name of the ligament determine where each ligament attaches on the Os Coxae
Ligament 1 – connects the pelvis to the femur at the front of the joint.
Ligament 2 – attaches the most forward part of the pelvis to the femur
Ligament 3- attaches to the ischium and between the two trochanters of the femur.

2. What are the bones that make up the pelvic girdle It is the pair of hipbones which is made up …show more content…

It inserts on the tibia and goes through the lateral condyle of the femur.
7. Movement of the knee joint
Action of the Knee Muscles responsible for it
Knee flexion Gastrocnemius, Plantaris
Knee Extension Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, intermedius, medialis

8. Where is plantar fascia located, and what is the role of plantar fascia?
9. List all the muscles responsible for Plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, Inversion and Eversion
Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion Inversion Eversion
Gastrocnemius Tibalis anterior Tibalis anterior Extensor digitorum longus
Plantaris Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucius longus Peroneus tertius
Soleus Peroneus tertius Flexor digitorum longus Peroneus-longus,brevis
Peroneus-longus,brevis, Extensor hallucius longus Flexor hallcius longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallcius longus
Tibialis posterior Tibialis posterior

10. Describe the articulations of the following joints
a.Subtalar - allows inversion and eversion of the feet.
b. Tibiotalar – dorsiflexion and plantar

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