
Biology Personal Statement

Decent Essays

What drew me to Biology is the human anatomy, especially how scientific advancements over the years have allowed the human body to overcome biological obstacles such as diseases and viruses, which once could have eradicated the human race. However due to the brilliance of individuals and scientific advancement we are able to survive and become stronger as a race.
The decision to study biomedical sciences is a result of my desire for Science especially Chemistry and Biology. The topics within these subjects such as mitosis and the cardiovascular system, looking at how the heart is specially adapted and never fatigues due to the cardiac muscle. This has intrigued me further into the pathway of biology and human anatomy. A-level Biology has required me to conduct my own independent research which was demonstrated by my school field trip as part of my unit 6 coursework for biology in Epping Forest. We studied a specific organism and conducted a field study on the organism using an abiotic factor on a biotic factor of the plant on which I conducted my study on. …show more content…

Biology and Chemistry have helped my further develop my knowledge in the scientific field as well as helping me develop my analytical skills and problem solving skills. Being part of a junior cadet scheme from the ages of 14 to 16 allows me to be more disciplined and motivated to be dedicated to all my academic courses causing me to meet all my deadlines. My subjects linked together and opened my eyes to biomedicine. Biology and Psychology both looked at the anatomy of the human brain as well the chemical reactions and neurotransmitters involved in the human thought process. From my AS Biology course I was able to learn more complex concepts such as blood clotting and how the level of platelets affect blood

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