
Biological Determinism And Crime Of Criminology

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Biological Determinism and Criminality

Throughout the history of criminology, each theory dominates and gains support than others though different period of time. This essay will first discuss the argument for biological determinism which mainly focuses on phrenology. The idea of Darwinism also links to Lombroso’s idea that a person’s bad behavior can be predicted and should be eliminated will also be discussed. The second part of the essay will emphasis the classical theory and how in contrasts with the positivism approach centralizing on the two theorist Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria, the farther of classical theory. The latter social strain theory that have a little link to classical theory will also be discussed and why it should …show more content…

These are what he called animal-like features (Mason, 2015).

The aim of biological criminology is stop crime from occurring. Thus, the idea of Darwinism comes into play. Darwinism is the idea of natural selection where only the so called good genes can be passed down and prevent genes that can cause excessive aggression or mental illness. Those are considered to be bad and could drive a person to commit crime Christopher (Beaver & Ferguson, 2009). Therefore, a method of doing this is called sterilization. Sterilization is a genetic intervention which prevents criminals, feebleminded, mentally disorder, those that are considered to be unfit in the society not to pass down their genes by forcibly causing them not to reproduced (Lombardo, 2008). A famous case study for this is the case of Buck V. Bell. She was accused as having mentally disorder and feeble minded. Eight out of nine judges of the State of Virginia took the right to sterilize her including her mother and daughter. This Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 1927 act known as a surgery tool used in the government policy to prevent those feeble minded and inadequate people in the society to have children. This has come under the Darwinism theory as the genetic selection (Lombardo, 2008).

Part 2)
In contrast to the positivism approach, classical theory has a different way of explanation why crime occur. Classical theory

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