
Big Data Essay

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Data is a forever growing thing and is not looking to slow down anytime soon. With that be said, companies must be able to manage data for their day to day operations as well as for predicting future trend. Now there are many tools for managing data and extremely high cost for managing it as well. One of the costs for managing data is data security, but this paper will touch on that topic in, but not as much as other topics. Also, this paper will demonstrate various business cases to serve as testimonial for just how useful big data management it in to day society. One of the topics will be cloud computing and the effects it has had on management, and big data as a whole. It has allowed easier access to data and more efficiency for …show more content…

Big Data became even bigger and really peaked in the year 2003. More data was collected in that year than in the rest of history before 2003. In 2012 it was estimated that 2.8 zettabytes worth of data would be created in that year alone. In 2012, the Obama administration announced the start of the Big Data Research and Development Initiative. This Initiative included many different government agencies like The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation, and many others. The initiative included research with non-federal institutes for better machine learning, cloud services, and other crucial parts Big Data Management. Big Data Analytical Tools Most companies have unique ways in which they manage their data. One way of managing and analyzing data is by using the tool SAS. SAS stand for Statistical Analysis System. SAS is an office suite created by SAS institute for advanced level data analytics, data management, and business intelligence. With SAS companies are able to solve complex business problem more effectively. SAS has many different products that their customers can use at the same time. For example, their customers will access to SAS and Hadoop at the same time if need be. Hadoop is an open source, Java based framework that allows customers to analyze LARGE portions or data at once. It is a data system used

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