
Can We Trust Big Data Essay

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Can We Trust Big Data? Tanvir Singh 500826428 1. Big data lets many companies analyze data about their customers, if it is used efficiently. Spotify for example, uses its data to give the customer a better listening experience. By using their big data, they can pick up on preferences and tastes of the customers who are using the service. In order to create a better experience for the consumer “Spotify uses the big data it collects on user listening habits to design highly individualized products” (Laudon 244). By doing this, Spotify can create greater customer-supplier intimacy, because they create things specified for each customer. A multitude of playlists, or song recommendations can be created based off of personal information provided …show more content…

For instance, if Company A uses their big data better than Company B on customer preferences, Company A’s customers will have a better experience, increasing the chances of them returning for further business. 2. Spotify is one organization which has benefited from using big data. They are better able to understand their customers, which in turn lets them deliver a better service. Spotify’s use of big data is helping them “create the perfect user experience.” (Laudon 244). Each Spotify user will have a unique taste in music, which can be reflected accurately through recommended playlists, and recommended songs all made possible through Spotify’s effective use of big data. A report done by McKinsey Global Institute “estimated that the U.S. healthcare system could save $300 billion each year” (Laudon 244), which can be done through more accurate treatment recommendations which are gathered by analyzing big data. Big data can reduce wait times, costs, and overall stress for patients. Although big data has many benefits, it can also be an obstacle if it is not utilized properly. Google created software which was intended to see “how many people had influenza and how the disease was spreading” (Laudon 245). In reality, Google didn’t collect meaningful big data, instead they collected data which was biased by “widespread media coverage of that year’s severe flu season in the United States, which was further amplified by social media

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