
Essay Best Teacher, Worst Teacher

Good Essays

Best Teacher, Worst Teacher

Although I have had many different types of teachers, there are two that stick out more than any others. The first was my third and sixth grade teacher. She was the best teacher I ever had. The second was my seventh grade teacher. She was the worst I think a student could have had. Both, these teachers had very different teaching styles and very different out looks on teaching. To be an effective teacher the teacher must respect the student and be willing to go the extra mile to help the students learn all they can. In this paper, I will discuss the effectiveness of these two teachers and how their teaching styles differed.

First of all, what is a good teacher? According …show more content…

I hope that I do not become a teacher like this.

Now that I can see the difference in good and bad teaching I have two teachers in mind that fit each description. The first being my favorite teacher. She was both my third and sixth grade teacher. She showed me that I could be what ever I wanted to be. She made me feel that even though I was not the best student in the class I still could be the best if I gave a little more. She motivated me to do all my work and gave me the extra boost I need to learn. When the students in my class did something right she always praised us. She also played game with us to learn. According to the book it says. ?If the teacher keeps the students involved they will be more likely to like school and learn in school.?

The second type of teacher is and ineffective teacher. This type of teacher does not motivate or enthuse their students to learn. My seventh grade teacher was this type of teacher. She was a cake decorating teacher at the vocational center then became a math teacher overnight. At the begging of class, every day she would stand at the board and say class be quiet class shut up. That's all she would say the whole class and we never got anything done. Then if she would try to teach she would read out of the book and never give examples. If a student would ask a question she would say you?re not dumb you know the answer. The teacher always put the students down. According to

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