
Beowulf: An Epic Hero's Journey

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Brodi Ashton wrote, “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” Beowulf is the oldest surviving poem written by an unknown author. It follows an epic hero named Beowulf that protects its people while emphasising the culture in Anglo Saxon. It shows their views on what an epic hero should be like and what their values are. The text reveals how a hero should not just be strong, but be brave and selfless, which will eventually unify their people. While these are all independent cultural and societal values, they work together to reflect a culture that puts a great deal of emphasis on Beowulf. Beowulf was the one with all of the components needed to be a hero. Beowulf is a hero who embodies the ideal characteristics …show more content…

It was a place for protection, joy, and celebrating, and when it was destroyed, a piece of them was too. The celebration they had brought them closer together, and were not going to let it be demolished. “But death is not easily/ escaped from by anyone:/ all of us with souls, earth-dwellers/ and children of men, must make our way/ to a destination already ordained/ where the body, after the banqueting,/ sleeps on its deathbed” (1000-1007). The heorot was not just a place for gift giving and payment, it represented the achievements the individual succeeded in, their community, and the creation of friendly bonds. When they rebuilt the heorot, it meant it was the rebirth of their community, and must make the most of it. They were going to start over now with Beowulf for better …show more content…

Before Beowulf died, he was very thankful for the life he had, and the opportunities he was given. “I give thanks/ that I behold this treasure here in front of me,/ that I have been allowed to leave my people/ so well endowed on the day I die./ Now that I have bartered my last breath/ to own this fortune, it is up to you/ to look after their needs (2795-2801). It is not about whether Beowulf won against the dragon, it is about how he will react when he knows he will die. He understands that he is not immortal, and to the Anglo-Saxons, what is more important is how he leaves the world, and the impact. At his funeral, there were a great amount of gifts and treasure. They gave gifts to show appreciation and achievements. The people were brought together and mourned for his death demonstrating their appreciation towards Beowulf. It concludes that there is no way to avoid death, so they must make the most of their life. The biggest impact from the culture and the values. People do change and now we focus on difference/ ideally call or action. Teach us metaphor. The Anglo-Saxon culture has a large impact on the world. As they migrated, they brought their beliefs here, and have stayed since. They devoted their time and energy for their king, as we do with our family and elders. Individuals were to be kind and respect those who are important to them, to have a better relationship. Although before

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