
Benjamin Banneker Letter Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

During the Age of Reason, many authors used the technique of persuasion to convince their readers. One author who applied to writing by persuading includes Benjamin Banneker. Banneker wrote a compelling letter to Thomas Jefferson, challenging his beliefs. Throughout Banneker’s letter, he uses the persuasive elements of repetition, quotes, logic, and facts. Throughout the entire letter, the most noticeable technique Banneker uses to persuade Jefferson is by using repetition. His most common use of repetition is of the use of the word “sir.” He uses the word “sir” to show that he respects Jefferson and to keep Jefferson interested in his letter. Banneker uses the word “sir” at the beginning of every paragraph, for example, “Here, sir, was a time in which your tender feelings for yourselves had engaged you thus to declare…” The word “sir” shows Banneker’s intelligence and his respect for what Thomas Jefferson did for his people. This word probably helped convince Jefferson to read the entire letter or to at least keep reading it. Another more noticeable persuasive element that Banneker applies is the usage of quotes. Banneker uses numerous quotes …show more content…

He explains to Jefferson that no matter what race someone is, if they are discriminated against they with do whatever it takes to gain freedom. Banneker says that everyone should be given the rights to their human nature no matter what rank or distinction they may be in. Everyone should be given these rights, “...neither could you rest satisfied, short of the order to their promotions from any state of degradation to which the unjustifiable cruelty and barbarism of men have reduced them.” Banneker shared that no one with be satisfied with not having rights because it is not true. Facts helped show that everyone should have equal freedom because they deserve it and if they do not have it they will eventually fight for

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