
Benefits Of Creatine Supplementation On The Human Body

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For my question, I wanted to further develop and question for the health benefits and changes that happen to the human body under creatine supplementation. Creatine is starting to become more and more popular as a supplementation for athletes and exercise enthusiasts who want an increased advantage in their physical activities. Many websites and health magazines state recommend taking creatine for its health and exercise supplementation benefits. Due to popularity increase it now being widely used as a supplement by itself and as an extremely popular ingredient in pre-workout with amounts unknown due to the FDA not having any quality control over health supplementation. Through this paper 3 peer-reviewed articles will be critiqued to determine the cost-benefit analysis of creatine supplementation on the human body and if it has any effect on performance.
Before the critique of the article continues it is important to look at the way creatine works in the body and its reported benefits. The majority of creatine is can be found in almost all of the human body 's skeletal muscle with the minority be found in the brain, kidneys, pancreas, and testes. Terjun et al. states that production of creatine is supplemented by three key amino acids; aminotransferase, arginine, and glycine and synthesized in the pancreas and liver (2). From there it transferred through the circulatory system into the muscles for ATP activation using the phosphocreatine system. Supplementation

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