
Benefits Of Case Management

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Case management can come in many different forms depending on the place you work or are going to. The main idea of case management is help clients have a plan after treatment and make sure they are informed of their referrals. As defined case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and service to meet an individual’s holistic needs through communication and available resource to promote quality cost-effective outcomes” ( managers also help coordinate care, and help the clients and families find services that can be offered to them to the area. Case managers would do this by using the clients insurance or finding low cost referrals in the area that …show more content…

Being pulled over in a car with her father who was arrested for driving while intoxicated and endangering a child is a traumatic experience which should be handled with care. If she is experiencing her bad behavior because she is dealing with her father alcoholism then it would be important to have her start attending meeting for children who comes from alcoholic homes to help normalizing some of what she is going through. When children learn about the disease of addiction and alcoholism it can help them better understand what is going on. Growing up in a house hold where this is alcoholism or addiction can impact how a child deals with their day to day living. Mattie would benefits from attending a children programs at a local treatment center where she would be around children her age who parents are also struggling with the disease of addiction. The location also offers after care program where the children and young adolescents can come and talk about things that are going on. Helping a child learn that they are not at fault for their parental struggles is a big part of the children’s program while teaching them. The program teaches children about addiction through age- appropriate activates so they can learn that the disease is not their fault. Children also learn about coping in positive …show more content…

The family needs to have someone on their side as they through this change in their life. There will be additional stress on the family before it get better. They family will mostly have to deal with Randy DUI and the stress that comes with that. With the referrals that were provide they should be able to have the support they are going to need to help make lasting change. With addiction the family system can change which is why the family needs to have additional support to help them get over the changeless that they will face. Having a case manager guide the family along the way will help them not feel alone and give them a plan along with many referrals. This is why case management is important to have in the society because it is

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