
Client Centred Case Management Essay

Decent Essays

Case management is predominantly utilised in human service settings and focuses on the achievement of client wellness. The purpose of this essay is to define case management and outline the difference between client centred and provider driven models of practise. It will further more discuss the theoretical underpinnings of case management focusing predominantly on humanistic, social-ecological and task centred theories of service intervention. It will aim to provide an in depth analysis of the tensions and conflicts that may arise in case management.
Moore and colleagues (2009) defines Case Management as an approach to practice that ensures vulnerable people with multiple, complex and sometimes lifelong needs are provided with a mix of personal, health and welfare supports and services, which enable them to establish and sustain their optimal independent personal and social functioning.
The commission of Case …show more content…

This movement focused on the move from patients predominately with mental illness and disabilities being institutionalised to be treated within community based practise.

Case Management predominantly is guided by either Client Centred or Provider Driven frameworks. Client Centred Case Management is defined by Kane (2010) as a process that is driven by the client and their needs. Client Centred Case Management is commonly collaborative by the client and led by their circumstances and needs. Kane (2010) defined a five step process in which Client Centred Case Management follows Referral and Screening, Assessment and Consultation, Identification of Needs, Development of Care Plan, Implementation of Case Plan and monitoring and Reviewing of plan. Client Centred Case Management focuses on working alongside the client in each of these phases and gathering their input and progress. The process is significantly more collaborative then that of Provider Driven Case

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