
Benefits Of A Roth IRA

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A Roth IRA is a retirement plan that you can withdraw completely tax-free. Also, any time you reach the age 59 your income must be see then the level set by the congress. You may also qualify to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. If your modified adjusted gross income. An IRA is not a savings account designed for you to pull money when you need money.If you pull out money within the first 5 years, there ARE consequences.It's a better deal because most people make a great deal more in interest than they ever put in. How much you can put in Roth Ira $5,500 (for 2015 - 2017), or $6,500 if you're overage 50. The max contribution limit is $5,500 this is the same limit as the 2016 max.30 years puts you a 50 to

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