
Bel 311 Week 1 Reaction Paper Examples

Decent Essays

The first day the student created 4S activity was announced, our group talked about what subject the activity is going to be on and when we are going to meet up to do it together. We created a Groupme chat with our group and set up a time and place to meet up. However, no one responded to see if they are free or that what time is best for them, except for Joy, Zach, Tristen, and I. Due to the reason of only part of our group responding to the group cat, only three people ended up meeting together; Zach, Tristen, and I. The three of us finalized the topic, what activity will go with the topic, and how to split things up. We ended up focusing on finding quote sandwiches and I offered my own research paper about Model T that I wrote during junior year to find some quote sandwiches to add or change it for the activity. After that trio meeting, the next writing and creative inquiry class we had, we told the rest of our group what was going on, what we were doing at the moment, such as finding quote sandwiches in my paper to make them better or worse, and I shared the document with everyone. The next day, Tristen and I met up together, we chose 4 quote …show more content…

After the presentation was over, I felt that our presentation would’ve gone a lot smoother if everyone met up to shared and create the content, was well prepared and did a small rehearsal beforehand. Then maybe the presentation would flow better than it did. This presentation showed me that in the future, I should have a note card filled with questions ready to ask whenever it is needed and make the activities more engaging so that people can respond and interact more. Most importantly, I learned that group work has to be group work to make it fair so that everyone will be able to contribute and understand the

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