
Behavioral Analysis Therapy

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Behavioral analysis therapy is the career I have chosen to pursue. We will discuss the certifications, requirements, and what exactly the job description entails. More specifically I want to work with adolescence (11-22) therefore, I have conducted my research in order to fit this age category. Behavioral Analysis attends to the child’s actions and attitudes, in order to understand their behavior also, we analyze the child’s environment and situations that may reinforce them to act a certain way. Some behavioral analysis careers are obtainable with an associate’s degree but, the majority of jobs do prefer that you have a bachelors/masters in either psychology, human services, natural science, etc. The majority of jobs also require that the …show more content…

Some facilities that provide behavioral therapy include public and non-public schools, family homes, adult programs, and some clinical settings. In order to perform these roles efficiently you will need skills like, specialized training when working with challenging behavior, offering full-inclusion academic assistance, and providing health-related support as well (Behavior Analysis, 2011). this is a fast pace job, therefore, you have to communicate thoroughly, be on your feet, have determination, patience, and provide a trusted foundation with your patient. My major is psychology and my minor is communication, I have chosen these in order to prepare myself for the counseling field, as well as, falling hand in hand with behavioral analysis therapy. Another thing very rewarding about this job is the opportunity in advancement such as, aid in education advancement and assistance in BCBA preparation training. Organizations that I have found offering these benefits along with retirement and health insurance plans are CARD a facility in Pinole CA, Anova’s Behavior Analysis Services Division in CA, and Hopebridge facility in Kokomo IN. All of these clinics do hire college grads with bachelor’s degree but, from what I gather they urge (and fund) for you to pursue a masters in the clinical field.
As of January 2016, behavior analysts earned a median annual income of $53,845, according to Career Education Programs (2003). Most of them are 40-50K a year and all of them provided health and dental insurance, as well as, raises for good performance and travel pay if

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