
Becoming Drum Major

Decent Essays

On May 8, 2017, after months and months of practice and work, I became the Drum Major of the Harper High School Band. Becoming Drum Major was one of the greatest, and most rewarding accomplishments that I have achieved in high school. After putting in all of the work to get here it was one of the greatest feelings to hear my high school band director say, that after that nerve-racking tryout, I had gotten the position. Being the Drum Major really changed my point of view and standards for myself and for others. As a drum major you have to have a lot of patience as well as strong leadership skills. The test of those skills is one of the biggest causes for the changes within me. Prior to becoming drum major I was already quite a perfectionist which, while it did cause some issues, only grew more in my time in office. However while going through the marching season, I discovered something about myself that I had previously never realized. I had the ability to be able to not only use my strive for perfection for giving criticism out but also to build others up. …show more content…

As drum major it is your responsibility to take care of the band and lead them to victory doing what is best for them. It teaches you to be as selfless as possible, you learn that it is not all about you but that everything needs to be done for the best of everybody. However, as I have had to learn this year, in order to accomplish this it takes explaining to each member what you are trying to achieve in terms they understand, as not everyone learns the same. Learning this I believe has made me a better

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