
Becoming A Nurse Admission Essay

Satisfactory Essays

I have found my passion in life concealed between the lines of care and compassion. Many moments in my life have guided me towards becoming a nurse. I have a deep love for helping others, no matter what situation they may be placed in. I have been through a lot in my life so far. There has always been someone I could reach out to to help me when I was stuck. As a nurse, I will be able to help people in almost any situation, everyday. My goal is to become a nurse to help as many people as possible. My inspiration to become a part of the medical industry started when I was about 5 years old. My biological mother was in training to become an EMT. I was constantly intrigued by what she was doing because my biological father immigrated back to Brazil, and my …show more content…

I used to be interested in the books she was learning about, especially due to the images on some pages. I remember asking questions and she would attempt to teach me about the subject she was focused on. This sparked my interest in healthcare and helping people medically. A few years later when I was 8 years old, my two younger siblings and I got taken away from our biological mother. We were put into foster care due to her using narcotics and neglecting all three of us. During the time period before we were put into foster care, I had to become the parent to my two younger siblings. I had to take care of them everyday, which caused me to then develop a passion for nurturing people in general. I also had to support them emotionally, telling them everything was okay whether I believed that or not, and by distracting them from what was really going on around them. Due to the huge impact this

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