
Battle At Trenton Essay

Decent Essays

An early morning on Christmas Day, commenced the battle at Trenton. George Washington, leader of the continental army, determined and strong knew he had to succeed in the surprise attack against the hessians that day, if he failed he and his men would be captured. It was a risky tactic but Washington knew it'd be a better time to put all of his hope and his men's hope into this one battle at Trenton. Washington led his men across the Delaware river, Washington was able to keep the element of surprise and get his army and himself the victory at Trenton. Although Washington was a great leader at the battle of Trenton, he was a better leader of the continental army. Washington was able to raise the participation in the militia from one year …show more content…

The battle of Saratoga was an important battle for the colonists that took place in upstate New York, this gave them a light, a brand new light that would give the colonists a real chance to win. This important victory wasn't just for the colonists, it intrigued the French that the colonists won the battle of Saratoga which made the French want to help the colonists. France allied itself with the United States in 1778, the French provided materials and money and sent over an elite army to join the colonists. French long term motivation against Britain had brought a great win to the American Revolution against the British. Later on the Netherlands and Spain joined the war and allied with the United States and France which made this a global war. Britain being the strongest at that time period had no allies. French had two main reason to join the American Revolution. One of them being that they had sought revenge after the loss during the sevens year war, and that it wanted to prevent Britain from becoming too powerful. Letting the France,Netherlands and Spain join the world caused world-wide global debts, but it was worth the independence and the

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