
Barry Schwartz Unnatural Selection Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Article Analysis The article “Unnatural Selections” By Barry Schwartz is a persuasive article addressing default selections in the world. The article revolves around the T.G.I Friday’s chain restaurant and how they have started to offer smaller portions at lower prices. The issue about the previous topic is that you have to ask for this healthier portion and the larger, less healthy, portion is the default portion. The author uses many different techniques to go about supporting this change and talking about how to make it better. Barry Schwartz uses evidence about default choices in this article to make his point. He mentions studies on organ donation, insurance policies and 401ks, all referring back to default choices. The author talks about how organ donation is not a default choice in America causing lower percentages of donors. In almost all of the studies percentages are given. For example, he states that 90% of …show more content…

“The choice of default matters-a lot.”(10). The previous quote is an example of reasoning used by the author. This example declares that choices are important therefore giving a reason. As examples are given on the subject of default choices the author refers back to the main idea. The dots are connected by this technique and it keeps the article on topic. Though there it may not be written out directly there is a reason for this article. “There will be painful, stress-inducing, expensive follow-ups,”(11). Emotions are being played in this quote. The author is using emotional and direct words to try get a reaction from the reader. When this quote is read, readers may think of their own stressful and painful experiences. This causes the readers to show empathy and understand what is being said. Words like imminent and consequences are used to spark deeper thoughts and almost a sense of anxiety in the readers. This is a clever and subtle use of persuasive elements by the

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