
Baldrige National Quality Program

Decent Essays

2008 Baldrige National Quality Program Education Criteria for Performance Excellence THE MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD A Public-Private Partnership Building active partnerships in the private sector—and among the private sector and all levels of government—is fundamental to the success of the Baldrige National Quality Program in improving national competitiveness. Privatesector support for the Program in the form of funds, volunteer efforts, and participation in information transfer continues to grow. To ensure the continued growth and success of these partnerships, each of the following organizations plays an important role. board is appointed by the Secretary of Commerce and consists of distinguished leaders from …show more content…

NIST selects members through a competitive application process. For 2008, the board consists of about 570 members. Of these, 12 (who are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce) serve as Judges, and approximately 100 serve as Senior Examiners. The remainder serve as Examiners. All members of the board must take part in an Examiner Preparation Course. In addition to reviewing applications, board members play a significant role in sharing information about the Program. Their membership in hundreds of professional, trade, community, and state organizations helps them disseminate this information. National Institute of Standards and Technology The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, manages the Baldrige National Quality Program. NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. Through a network of technology extension centers and field offices serving all 50 states and Puerto Rico, NIST helps small- and medium-sized businesses access the information and expertise they need to improve their competitiveness in the global marketplace. Award Recipients Award recipients are required to share information on their successful performance and quality strategies with other U.S. organizations. However, recipients are not required to share

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