
Bad Decision-Making In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Lucy Dix Dale English II/5th Hour 12 April 2024 Bad Decision-Making in Leadership Leaders are expected to lead groups to victory and success, However, not every leader's intentions are pure. Bad leaders lead people astray with poor decision-making and carelessness. The Lord of the Flies begins when a plane crashes and many boys escape the plane, only to be stranded on an island. They elect a leader, start fires, and hunt. One boy begins to rebel and make his own group of savages. He ends up recruiting all of the other boys and killing off ones that won't comply, only to get rescued during their attempted kill of the last boy in the other tribe. The savage leader, Jack, creates many problems on the island that hurt other boys. He does things that …show more content…

All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!” “But we want meat!” “And I work all day with nothing but Simon and you come back and don't even notice the huts!” “I was working too—” “But you like it!” shouted Ralph. You want to hunt! While I—”’ (Golding 54). If Jack caught a pig, the boys would rejoice and thank him, but that is nothing compared to the freedom they would have from being rescued. Jack is not focused on the bigger picture, which is to get off the island. Jack is so focused on thriving on the island and being in power rather than getting rescued and off the island into civilization safely. Another example of Jack's strong-willed selfishness, is when Jack thinks Simon is the beast so he puts his humanity aside along with the other boys and horrifically kills him. Golding writes, “The beast struggled forward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leaped onto the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore” (Golding 153). Jack was so desperate to find the beast that he so clearly wrongly assumed that Simon was him. He ordered the kill of him without a second thought about if it really was the

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