
Corruption In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Often society is plagued with perfection, yet this statement is outlandish and fails to mention a major flaw. Influence through imperfection, the conditions which you are under greatly impact the outcome of your actions. In William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, Golding accurately illustrates the corruption of humanity through the consumption of evil. Further expanding the underlying maliciousness present in society, motivated through manipulation and power based on the surrounding atmosphere. Throughout Golding’s novel, he portrays humanity as evil by nature. Golding’s concepts are an accurate reflection of true society, as no person is shielded against evil when under proper circumstances. Golding’s LOTF displays evil brought to …show more content…

The longer the boys were stranded on the island, the more they began the drive for power. Jack taking the role of authority, manipulating the boys as time goes on. Keeping his word of providing meat to those who join him yet “He enjoys the kill not because it will feed the boys, but because he”...feels powerful." Jacks character represents the corruption found within power. In the beginning of the novel, it can be seen that Jack is well mannered and respected as each boy was but as the novel progressed it was soon noted his drive and need to kill, corresponding to the later disappearance of any resemblance to society. Due to the power Jack held, he influenced and emphasized the evil, normalizing it as the new standard. Influence can be both positive and negative, just as "good people can do bad things” a study conducted by “The Stanford Prison Experiment” which showcased “that everyday people given certain power can turn abusive” (Franklin). Society is not immune to the effects of pressure, whether peer pressure or societal pressure. The Standford Prison experiment studied “the effects of prison life on behavior” assessing 24 healthy students (Lohnes). Upon arrival the boys succumbed to the dehumanizing methods used by prisons, and as the days progressed the guards began to perform cruel acts to the …show more content…

Enhancing the usage of evil similarly to George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, “the chief was sitting there”... “The tribe lay in semicircle before him” (Golding 181) Jack took advantage of the boys prior innocence praying on them without a care but instead the need to kill and make others fear. So much so they would join his tribe in hopes of living, further manipulating the boys to follow his orders and instructions no matter how evil the act may be. As can be seen in Orwell's novel Animal Farm, in hopes of escaping human need, the pigs began to take authority. Leading to the corruption and the change of amendment 7 "All animals are equal” yet it now implied, "some animals are more equal than others." "(Orwell 134)" - "The 'Piece'" By changing the seven commandments, manipulation was easily used to trick the farm, abusing the pigs control over the animals. Similarly, this is seen in present day society as media and corporates will often change information behind the scenes to further manipulate society into believing the lies that have been told, ignoring the truth but allowing for corruption to take place

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