
Baccalaureate Prepared Nurse

Decent Essays

Why have you chosen to pursue nursing as a career?
There is an endless amount of possibilities an individual can go with a career in nursing. Nursing has plenty of specialties to choose from and nursing work is widely available throughout the world. It is personally rewarding and emotional to have an interactive relationship with the patients. This career allows nurses to get on a more personal level with the patients and provide comfort and bed care. Most importantly we can make a difference in patient's lives by bringing hope. Nurses are guardian angels when the patients are sick or seriously ill. They are the ones that spend a lot of time with patients and build long lasting relationships. During these interactions, it is these type of …show more content…

In the healthcare field, technology, medical techniques, and procedures has been rapidly developing and we must always update our knowledge about these modernization. My willingness to learn as a student will enable me to perform effectively as a student and later as a practicing baccalaureate prepared nurse.

As human beings, we are emotionally attached creatures. However, as we prepare ourselves to enter the nursing field, we must be emotional stability. We may experience traumatic situations that challenges us to cope with suffering and death of a patient. However, we cannot allow ourselves to be emotional unstable that would affect our work ethnics. We have to control our emotions to provide the best care for the patients and the patient's family members. Another quality that helps me to perform effectively is my ability to quickly respond for the unexpected. Emergency situations have always occurred. We must react and respond quick with a calm attitude. It is important to think clearly under stressful circumstances. It is our responsibility to be alert and continue to carry out our duties. In addition, respect and confidentiality of the patient's information is extremely essential. I understand that everyone comes from a different background. As a practicing nurses, we may not know the patients on a personal

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