
BSU Honors College Application Report

Decent Essays

BSU Honors College Application
• Provide examples of your creative, artistic, or other unusual talents.
Some people would have hated growing up in a household where the mantra “a place for everything and everything in its place” reigned supreme. However, I loved it because it helped me to develop my strongest talent- the talent of organization. I have used this skill throughout my high school experience, particularly through my extracurricular activities. For the past few years, I have enjoyed serving as the Executive Producer for my high school’s broadcasting program. Every week I was in charge of overseeing our broadcasts which included monitoring the script writing and reviewing the rough cut of the broadcast. I have also created music videos and other holiday video specials for my school. This activity allowed me to pursue my creative passion for broadcasting while also cultivating my talent for coordination and administration. Along with my role as an Executive Producer, I was heavily involved in the theater department at my high school. When most people …show more content…

I have always been fascinated with all things digital media and during college hope to further confirm my career choice of digital communications. I have already experienced a taste of what broadcasting and journalism can be through my high school extracurricular activities, but in college I plan to dive even deeper into those passions. During college I also plan to remain fully committed to demonstrating my academic abilities. I know being in the Honors College program I will be able to connect with intelligent, hardworking people who feel the same. I am excited to experience the community on the Ball State campus, particularly in the Honors College. While staying on campus for the Ball State Summer Media Academy this past July, I already felt a strong connection among the students. I can only imagine the community I will experience as a full time student on

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