
Authoritative Parenting Style Analysis

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Moving is hard. Growing up in the same place, in the same house, with the same people for you whole life and then having to be torn away to move to a new city is a hard thing for anyone, especially children. Riley Andersen, a twelve-year-old girl from Minnesota, goes through a big move when her father gets a new job. Riley and her family have to move to San Francisco, California, moving away from her community, her friends, hockey team, and everything else she has ever known. Her and her two married parents experience stress, unhappiness, and how Community shapes children. Community is a place for a person that involves a neighborhood and the area that surrounds them. Children develop by creating close bonds with people in their community, through things like school or a sports team. (CITE BOOK) The children also develop based on the quality of the neighborhood surrounding them. If the community is a good, wealthy community, a child will most likely partake in sports and good activities; however, if the community is poor, …show more content…

A parenting style is how the parents treat this child and what they expect of them. This parenting style essentially shapes a child into who he or she is as a human being. In Inside Out, we see an Authoritative Parenting Style being portrayed by the parents. An authoritative parenting style is a style of parenting that entails high expectations and standards from parents, so they have consistent rules that are enforced whenever needed. This also consists of emotional warmth, explanations of why a child may be punished, and the inclusion of a child in some decisions (Book Citing, pg 80). Authoritative parents want their children to learn how to be independent as a child so they are able to use these skills as an adult. Children growing up in an authoritative home are able to have detailed conversations with their parents, giving them the skill of being able to hold

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