
Australian Professional Standards

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The standard – what does the research say and where is the evidence base?
The Australian Professional Standard for Principals (APSP) is “a public statement setting out what school principals are expected to know, understand and do” (AITSL, 2014, p. 3) in order to provide effective schooling for Australia’s young people. The Melbourne Declaration (2008, p. ) articulates the need equity and excellence in Australian schooling and that “all young Australians become: successful learners; confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens”. In order to achieve these goals the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) was formed in 2008 to oversee the development of a “robust and comprehensive” national curriculum …show more content…

5) cites Leithwood and Jantzi’s 2005 analysis of effective leadership practices in which four categories of effective leadership practices were identified: setting directions, helping individual teachers, redesigning the organisation, and organizational management. The APSP (2014) includes these elements either under the banner of “leadership requirements” or “professional practice”.
The three foci for effective leadership which are identified in the APSP (2004) are illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: AITSL (2014) Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles. Melbourne: Education Services Australia.

Figure 3: A synthesized model of leadership for learning. (Hallinger, 2010, p. 127).

Hallinger’s conceptual model (see Figure 3), derived after completing a literature review spanning the last 40 years, is not dissimilar to the APSP in that it identifies values, leadership and knowledge experience as key elements in the relationship between leadership and student outcomes (2011). This model acknowledges the wider community and other stake holders also impact on leadership and student outcomes (Hallinger, …show more content…

Vision and values
Leithwood and Jantzi argue the ability to articulate a clear vision is an essential attribute for school leaders (2008, p. 507). Goal setting is a powerful motivator for change and when leaders are able to clearly communicate inspiration vision to those they lead, it is possible to harness this motivation to bring about school improvement in student learning (Leithwood & Jantzi, 2008, p.507). Clearly defined goals encourage school community to contribute to common goals and also streamlines decision making as only options that align with the vision need to be considered (Hallinger, 2010, p.129).

When discussing research into high performing schools, Matthews argues, “Clear pupil-centred vision and purpose ensured pupils reached their potential. Maximising young people’s well-being and achievements was at the heart of these schools” (2010, p.9). The inclusion of vision in the APSP is substantiated by research evidence gathered for at least the last 40

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