
Educational Administration And Education Administration

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Educational administration is unique, the study of leadership and education first originated in the USA, and since then has had numerous and varied orientations and ideas. In the past educational administration was assumed to be just another type of administration (Bates, 2008). It was often thought that if someone were a good administrator in one field or setting, then this would be translatable to another setting like education. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a science behind administration that has universal principles and techniques that can be widely applied, this theory movement dominated over three decades of education administration (Starratt 2003, p5). During this period abstract theory developed independently of changes in the world, which were occurring socially and in classrooms. It also moved educational administration away from education concepts like curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. Challenges to this thinking occurred; new and emerging perspectives lead to a focus on individual approaches and a reconnection with educational concerns and the work of learning (Bates, 2008). Resources, class sizes, funding, standardisation of curriculum and leadership are some examples of these changes and reforms. Modern contemporary work in the field of education administration takes a range of different approaches including a large focus on culture, accountability, leading for learning and teacher leaders (Starratt 2003). This essay will historically

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