
Atticus Influence On To Kill A Mockingbird

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A parent's influence on a child is infinite. In To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee, Atticus influences his daughter, Scout's, coming of age. Atticus teaches Scout many valuable life lessons which include the meaning of true courage, not to judge a book by its cover, and moral values. Although Atticus is very kind, he is treated as a “mockingbird” by society because he chose to stand up for an innocent African American man. His neighbors whom he has lived near his whole life, his friends he has always relied on, and even his own family, mock him for defending Tom Robinson. Atticus, a mockingbird to society, but a father to Scout, influences her coming of age by showing her what true important values are in life. Atticus influences …show more content…

At the start of the novel, Scouts teacher, Ms. Caroline tells her that she reads too much at home and that her father should stop teaching her. Scout comes home very disappointed that her teacher has told her to stop reading, which is one of her favorite things to do, and therefore she concludes that she hates school and will not return. Her father responds by saying that as long as she goes to school he promises he will continue to read with her nightly, as they used to. This scene depicts Atticus value of education- that he is still willing to read with his daughter. Not only does Atticus teach Scout lessons about education such as reading and writing, he also teaches her lessons about a different type of education- morality. Atticus shows that an innocent person does not deserve to be harmed, even if you will be harmed and made fun of by your community when you stand up for them. As he says, “ It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” Atticus is trying to instill the message in Scout that even if someone may seem guilty to society but they are innocent you should not accuse them. It can be seen that Atticus is an incredible teacher because at the end of the book when Atticus is debating whether or not to send Boo to court, Scout says, if we bring him to court it would be as if we are shooting a mockingbird. At the beginning of the book Scout did not know what education really meant and she never would have said this. Scout, the student, remembered this lesson at a time when Atticus, the teacher even forgot it and this shows the power of education and morality. The book also ends off with Atticus reading a book to Scout which another one of the many examples that shows the true power of education. Atticus’ conveys the message of education and morality and this contributes to Scout

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