
To Kill A Mockingbird Scout's Education Quotes

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Scouts true education comes not from a formal classroom but from everyday experiences and characters with whom she comes into contact. Scout learns mainly from Atticus, her father. Atticus teaches Scout how to look in other peoples perspective. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—”(55). When Scout begins to say how strange Walter Cunningham is because he poured gallons of syrup on his food, Calpurnia yells at her. Atticus makes her realize you can not judge a person without knowing their situation. Maybe in the Cunningham household syrup is a luxury. Atticus makes her think. Also, Atticus is brave, he is not afraid to fight for something even if it’s not a popular decision like the Tom Robinson case. This is one of the main traits Scouts learns from her dad. Scout uses what she learned from her dad when she stands up to the mob. …show more content…

In the white community, which Scout sees everyday as her average housekeeper, Scout learns basics of life. They include manners like how to behave with people and in public and kind of how to be a lady. In the black community though, the one Scout does not see often, she learns so much more. During the visit to the church Scout noticed Cal was talking differently than she would talking to them. “What you want, Lula?” she asked, in tones I had never heard her use”(213). Scout looks up to Calpurnia, especially after this, because it must be hard living two lives. This church experience changes the way Scout looks at Calpurnia for the

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