
Atticus Bravery

Decent Essays

Bravery means being loyal to your beliefs, being fearless in the face of danger and valiant at heart. Our society values the ability to be heroic. Firefighters and policeman are the epitome of bravery, but, occasionally, an ordinary person dares to be just as courageous. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, three innocent children face the tribulations of a town engulfed in racism while their father, Atticus, confronts the issue with a trail that could revolutionize the future for African Americans. The first gallant act that displays the bravery Atticus possesses would be when he faces a mass of angry Maycomb citizens. In this scene, Mr. Heck Tate accompanied by other men show up on Atticus’s door step; Heck says he does not expect any trouble by Atticus counters the idea saying “Don’t be foolish, Heck,”...”This is Maycomb” (Lee 194). Atticus was brash when he objected to the idea that Tom would be safe. Atticus demonstrates his valor, yet again, when he stands up to a mob that has formed at the jail where Tom was being held, “You can turn around and go home again, Walter” …show more content…

The consequence of this choice could have been grave. If Atticus missed, he could have murdered a member of the Radley house. Due to the fact that Atticus is partially blind in one eye, the risks are amplified further. Furthermore, Atticus could have lost his own life if the dog had managed to bite him. Conversely, a few individuals believe that the cons did not outweigh the pros, they thought the dangers involved were too great but Atticus proved his skills when “with movements so swift they seemed simultaneous, Atticus’s hand yanked a ball-tipped lever as he brought the gun to his shoulder” (Lee 127). The fact that Atticus so confidently controlled the gun after years of never even grasping one allowed readers to witness the incredible bravery that consumed

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