
Atomic Bomb Persuasive Speech

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As many of you know, Japan surrendered yesterday, ending World War II. This is clearly tremendous news to all Americans. The war was a long hard fought ordeal that cost us many lives, the simple truth is the end of this war is some of the best news ever received. Especially because the surrender of Japan occurred much sooner than initially thought. However, in light of this, I believe the weapons used to cause this premature surrender should be made aware to the public, as well as what they do.
In order to obtain a premature Japanese surrender, the United States dropped two bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This concept may come as a shock to some, how could two bombs lead to a surrender? Everyone was using bombs? The …show more content…

However, many of you are probably very confused on how these bombs work. How could one bomb be so powerful? I will now do my best to explain that. The first step to understanding the atomic bomb is that it is not like any bombs before it, so forget what you know about these bombs. Second, you will need to learn about topics that are not actually a part of warfare, but the world around you. Now we can begin. To start, we should discuss atoms. Atoms are viewed as the building blocks of everything because atoms make up every single thing in this world. Atoms consist of a nucleus of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, then various electron layer orbit this nucleus, the layers contain negatively charged electrons. The number of electrons, protons, neutrons, and electron layers vary depending on the element of the atom. Protons and electrons must always be equal in order to keep the atom neutral. These atoms are also the key behind the power of the bombs. Next it should be known that while atoms consist of several pieces, they are never found separately in a natural environment. This information is important to …show more content…

For it is his discovery that makes these bombs possible. In the 1930s Fermi discovered a new and intriguing concept about atoms. He found that when a neutron is thrown into an atom, the atom can split into two new atoms. The new atoms were not previously on the periodic table. Soon this practice was being tested on uranium. Scientist found that this process works on uranium because uranium naturally breaks down, just very slowly, 700 million years. However, by adding the neutron to the uranium this breakdown happens immediately, releasing a high amount of unstable energy. This process is referred to as nuclear fission. Soon after, scientists from many countries began working on how to turn this energy into a

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