In this assignment the author will discuss the organisational and legal requirements when planning a funeral service. The beginning part will be the basic issues that need to be made when holding an event and then the legal requirements will be mentioned that should take place when holding this event.
Holding an event is a very rewarding exercise provided everything runs according to plan. However things can go wrong and the consequences to the event organiser can be very serious. Events that are well organised are great and fun and encourages audience and visitors to come back for more. Badly organised will be remembered by many but for all the wrong reasons. Organising an event can be a frightening prospect, however with good
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This exercise is called a Risk Assessment and is essential in organising a successful event. Risk Assessment is a legal requirement for employers under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 stated:
• (1)every employer shall make and give effect to such arrangements as are appropriate, having regard to the nature of his activities and the size of his undertaking, for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures.
• (2)Where the employer employs five or more employees, he shall record the arrangements referred to in paragraph.
• (3) Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his undertaking,
It is also a way of ensuring the safety of everyone involved with your event.
3. Risk assessments The purpose of Risk Assessment is to indentify hazards which could cause harm, assess the risk which may arise from those hazards and decide on a suitable measure to eliminate, or control the risk. A Risk Assessment for the event can only be carried out once information has been received from contractors, other companies and self employed people will
Changing circumstances within the workplace can cause hazards because other workers can be put at risk because they haven’t been made aware of the changes and management needs to be informed. Risk assessment is a method put in place that is suitable and sufficient to control the risk to health and safety to both employees and other persons who may be affected.
Risk assessment is conducted by people who can assess specific work activities, understand real working procedures, hazards-related activities, activity frequency, risk probability and severity (Reference 2).
* Risk assessments – Local and governing authorities make compulsory the use of risk assessments. Risk assessments are carried out to evaluate any potential hazards that may
3.7. Using a risk assessment to promote health and safety is very important to ensure that the individual is kept safe in the work place. Risk assessments evaluate the risks and identify hazards to put precautions in place to reduce the risks. Reporting and recording the outcome of the risk assessments make things more clear and is careful to keep everybody protected and safe.
Risk assessment- An assessment of any risks to the worker's health and safety is undertaken by a trained risk assessor. This allows for the risks to be removes, reduced or avoided, and for preventive and protective measures to be identifies and
Health & Safety At Work Etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA)Employers have a general duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees so far as is reasonably practicable.Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999Employers have a legal duty to carry out risk assessments as the first step in ensuring a safe and healthy workplace. * A written record must be kept if there are 5 or more employees. * Preventive and protective measures must be
The idea behind a risk assessment is to attempt to identify all the potential risks associated with a particular activity. The risk assessment will normally be carried out by the nominated Health and Safety Officer.
The aim of workplace risk assessments is to identify hazards, evaluate the degree of risk and to put into place control measures to minimise the risk. If the staff team is not involved in the process then they may have little awareness of the hazards and the actions required of them to minimise the risks. This is at odds with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. A risk assessment
It is important to assess health and safety risks in order to reduce or eliminate them. Risk assessments are vitally important in order to protect the health and safety of both you and the individual’s you support. You should always check that a risk assessment has been carried out before you undertake any task in order for you to follow the steps identified and reduce any risk posed. There are many regulations that require risks
Under this act, employers are responsible for reporting certain types of incidents, accidents or illnesses to the Health and Safety Exectutive, or the local authority.
Risk assessments can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns by helping reduce any risks created by undergoing certain tasks, risks assessments are not in place to prevent an individual doing things that they want to do, they are in place to concentrate on the risk factors and to look at any other ways to reduce the risk of the task in hand.
The purpose of risk assessment is not to remove risks, but to take reasonable steps to reduce them. The process involves looking at the risk, and considering what can be done to make it less likely that the risk will develop into a reality. This can be done through implementing policies and codes of practice, acting in individual’s best interests, fostering culture of openness and support being consistent, maintaining professional boundaries and following systems for raising concerns.
Risk assessment is used in protecting workers and organisations like Tesco, to help them comply with the law of the state. It helps business owners to focus on the risks that really matter in the workplace; with ones that could cause potential harm. It is important to manage risks to ensure the most valuable asset is protected.
4.3: To carry out a risk assessment first of all you need to identify the hazards, then decide who might be harmed and how. Then evaluate the risks and decide on precaution and then record your findings and implement on them. After this is done review your assessment and update if necessary.
§ Comply with and health and safety regulations and co-operate with your employer in his or her attempts to provide a safe working environment