
Asian Americans in the Classroom Essay

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Asian Americans in the Classroom

Asians are one of fastest growing minority groups in America today. During this century, various factors at home and abroad have caused people from Asia to immigrate to the United States for better or for worse. Due to these factors, Americans and American teachers, in particular, need to educate themselves and become aware of the Asian American students’ needs in terms of success and happiness. Before beginning my research, I felt I had an easy subject: studying Asian Americans in relation to their education in public schools. How simple! Everyone knows they are smart, hard working, driven to succeed in spite of their nerdish, geeky, non-athletic, broken-English stereotype. Of course they are …show more content…

Also I am including recent immigrants from Asia in defining the terms Asian American Japanese American, for the sake of simplicity due to resource and time constraints.

Among the stereotypes of Asian Americans, the myth of the Model Minority and Panethnic Identity are among the easiest to attribute to Asian Americans. What exactly are these stereotypes? How did they come about? Whose responsible for perpetuating these terms? And what harm are they are they doing to Asian Americans anyway?

Where to Begin: A Brief History of Japanese Immigration

The Issei (first generation) Japanese came to the United States during the first years of the Meiji era after the Tokugawa system of economics and politics collapsed in the 1850s and 1860s. One contributing factor was the visit of an American fleet commanded by Commodore Matthew Perry whose fleet of “tall ships” demanded Japan open its doors to trade and contract with the outside world. Merchants, students and the lower economic strata of tenant farmers, agricultural labourers and owners of very small plots of land were among the first to emigrate to the U.S., mostly through Hawi’i.
In 1910, Japanese are banned from marrying non-Orientals and the practice of arranging for picture brides began. During the first two decades of the 1900s, more than 20,000 Japanese women arrived, more often than not as picture brides (Mei T. Nakano, p. 24). These women only knew their future

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