
Artificial Selection Research Paper

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Evolution is a real thing that happened and is still happening today, there is so much evidence to prove it. We have the fossil record, we know how natural selection works and how and why it happens, and we know how artificial selection works and that we use it all of the time today. There is just too much evidence to call evolution just a theory.

The fossil record is the history of life, as documented by fossils. The fossil record can show us so many things, from the history of how homosapiens evolved into what were are today to how whales were once furry, four-legged land animals. The fact that we share roughly 50 percent of our DNA with a banana is pretty astounding, but if you were to follow our family tree back far enough, you would find that every single one of us, human or not, share a common ancestor. Yes, it is pretty hard to believe but it makes sense if you really think about it. If we have 98% of the same genes as chimpanzees, 80% of similar genes as cows, and 60% of similar genes as a fruit …show more content…

Have you ever wondered how we got different types of dogs or cats? Artificial selection! Around 27,000-40,000 years ago the hunter-gatherers began to tame wolves to have as hunting companions. The people would eventually begin to breed their wolves so that they would have certain traits like hair length, color, size, sharpness of teeth, tail length, and just about everything in between. When people realized that they could control how animals would look, they started experimenting to see what all they could make. This is how artificial selection works. Humans discover that they can change an animal's characteristics, they discover traits that make the animals more pleasing to people (desired traits), and they use these traits to make animals that are best suited for whatever people want and/or need them

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