
Can Evolution Be Taught In Schools

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Every living thing on Earth has evolved into its current form over the course of millions of years. The theory of evolution explains how these organisms changed over time through natural selection. Evolution is still controversial within our society because it conflicts with religious beliefs on how life on earth formed.
Creationists believe that life was created in its current form by God. Studies show that 38% of Americans believe in creationism. While this percentage has been going down over the years, it is still much higher compared to other developed nations. The debate about teaching evolution in schools has been going on since it was first discovered. This topic is especially debated in the United States because some religious people believe that teaching evolution as a scientific theory violates their religious freedom. Most people who believe in creationism attend church weekly and are less educated than those who believe in evolution.
An argument commonly used against evolution is that it is “just a theory” therefore it is the same thing as a guess. In science, the word “theory” has a different meaning than when used in everyday life. A scientific theory is a hypothesis that is well …show more content…

Believers say that life is too complicated to have happened randomly, therefore a supernatural element must have been present. Intelligent design is said to be inclusive of all religions because it does not explicitly mention God. Intelligent design is a form of creationism that became more popular with the rise of education. Supporters of Intelligent design have been trying to get public schools to teach this idea alongside evolution, but have been unsuccessful. 38% of Americans believe that God had a part in the evolutionary process, which means more Americans believe that God had a role in evolution than those who don’t. This is true even among highly educated

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