
Article Review: Organizational Culture And Recruitment

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elsea Leon Guerrero

Organizational Culture and Recruitment

Daly, C. (February 19, 2017). Organizational culture and recruitment. Retrieved on February 28, 2017 from

Article Summary
This article is about the importance of organizational culture in a company and the effect it has on employees, both in their incoming and outgoing stages. Within the context of the literature, Daly (2017) equates an organizations culture to the way a person behaves or acts due to their personality and suggests that if an organization does not know how it wants to define itself or be seen, it is difficult to employ people because it is hard to understand how they will fit within your company (para. 2). Included is reasoning that explains why organizational culture is important and how it can affect your company positively if there is a strong culture because it gives employees a better sense of loyalty and …show more content…

I think that the essence of what the company stands for is reflected in the attitudes and behaviors of their employees and they hire based not only on qualifications, but fit, as well. Since Pika’s Café has a strong understanding of their culture, the service received on different days is extremely consistent. It does not matter what server, hostess, or employee that helps you, because they share the same values of what their definition of service and hospitality is. Having this organizational culture makes it easier for them to determine when someone is not fitting in and performing to their level of standards because it is pronounced and understood. The organizational culture is also evident in the products and the atmosphere of the restaurant, and extends from top-to-bottom of the

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