
Article Line Management Competence : The Key For Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work

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According to, (Donaldson, Yarker, Lewis, 2008), the article Line management competence: The key to preventing and reducing stress at work. Strategic HR Review, 7(2) states, “In the UK, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), was concerned about their employees. The company according”, (Donaldson et al., 2008), believed that work-related issues was due to stress. HSE has established "Management Standards" for stress at work that are designed to help employers tackle the major sources of work-related stress risk
(Donaldson et al., 2008). The standards that was set place will be shown and if they were effective for the company. Additional components will be given that can also help the organization with the effective ways stress on the job was handed. Some companies spend numerous of dollars to make sure that employees are treated for their illness. I will show the cost of treatment and if manage correctly all employees could benefit from training. A comparison to other organization 's stress management program with how other stress models might be implemented will be given as well.
According to (Donaldson et al., 2008) “Work-related stress is now a major concern for employers. In the UK, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) conducted a survey with Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2007), shows that work-related stress, depression or anxiety account for an estimated 12.8 million lost working days per year. Around one in seven working individuals think their job

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