
Art Has The Power Of Transcend Life

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There is no doubt that art has the power to transcend life. But artist themselves have had the daunting tasks, as historical scribes, to record time, space, and attitudes in their works. The “Capitalist Realism” movement is no different - if not one of the best examples of this visual history.
As a play on the term social realism, the artists of the movement included Gerhard Richter of whom’s work the Lab currently features. Alongside such artists as Manfred Kuttner, Sigmar Polke, and Konrad Lueg, Capital Realism was action and reaction to a Germany’s division between East and West.

The collaborations of the group were exhibited in spaces that further perpetuate the manifestations of the time period with stark abattoirs, abandoned shopping malls and the like. Though the collective’s art now is increasingly popular, very few of them went on to create a living out of it; Richter was one.

Born in Dresden in 1932, Gerhard Richter came of age after World War II. In the villages of Reichenau and Waltersdorf, where his father taught school before being mobilized, Richter had a provincial childhood that mixed Tom Sawyer escapades in the forests of Saxony with compulsory membership in the Hitler Youth and a catch-as-catch-can education. His mother, the daughter of a gifted pianist and a bookseller prior to her marriage, read Goethe, Nietzsche and the classics of German literature, listened avidly to the great 18th- and 19th-century composers and encouraged her son 's

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