
Arnold Spirit Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Imagine a student transferring to a new school. His family has been relocated to a new state for a better job opportunity. With no say in the matter, he has left behind everyone he has known for the past 5 years of his life, all his friends, classmates, and teachers. For many students, starting at a new school is a difficult change in their life. These changes can adversely affect their academic performance and lead to worse problems down the road if left undealt with. But for the student that learns to deal with these hardships, they will grow as a person and be successful in their academic future. Starting at a new school can be a lonely experience for many. Loneliness can impact negatively on one's academic success. Firstly, when a student …show more content…

The many trials that he faced helped him to grow as a person and to gain the respect of his peers and teachers. One of the major issues that Arnold faced was how to deal with racism from his fellow students. Arnold responded in the only way he knew possible, by punching it in the face, or at least by punching Roger, the boy who teased him, in the face. This caused him to gain the fear and respect of Roger who was one of the toughest boys in the school and all the other boys that were in Rogers gang. Another problem that Arnold encountered was having no friends at his new school. Arnold became good friends with a female student named Penelope after he gave her words of encouragement to dealing with her eating disorder. Arnold also became great friends with class genius, Gordy, after he defended Arnold's fact about petrified wood to the Geology teacher. At the reservation, Arnold was treated with resentment and disdain by his fellow tribe members. He was a traitor to his own tribe in their eyes. When Arnold decided to go to Reardan, a predominately all white school, most of his tribe members turned their backs on Arnold, thinking he had abandoned the tribe first. He did not let this discourage him, though. Arnold channeled all his frustration and anger into becoming an outstanding basketball player and was finally able to defeat his old school and his best friend

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