Arnie’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill needs to make an important decision. Along with thirty-seven declared bankruptcies, Arnie’s experienced a 2.4% drop in same-store sales in 2016, its worst year since the recession. Arnie’s lost many young customers, and were described as “cool” by only 20% of respondents in a recent poll. There are two paths Arnie’s can take. The first, to offer discounts and acquire new partnerships with food delivery companies. The second, to rebrand Arnie’s as a Gastropub/fast-casual hybrid. Through this decision, Arnie’s wants to address two major concerns: its financial issues, and distinguishing Arnie’s from its competitors. With these criteria in mind, the correct decision is to rebrand Arnie’s. Adding discounts and limited-time items will not solve Arnie’s financial problems. While in the short run, these promotional actions may bring an inflow of customers, it is difficult for restaurants to sustain long-term profits off of solely discounted items. A more impactful change such as partnering with Grub Dash and Ultra Eats, could attract customers as none of Arnie’s …show more content…
Profits may increase initially from new customers, but in the long run, maintaining those profits as well as getting new loyal customers, will be hard. The partnerships can be expected to behave similarly, as companies will be able to steal this idea quickly. There is a chance that by making such a large change and rebranding, Arnie’s may lose a few of its existing customers. The casual dining market is dying, however, while Gastropubs have become popular in urban areas and these effects are likely to roll over to the suburban setting. The potential risks of rebranding are surpassed by the notion of solving both of Arnie’s financial and distinguishing problems. The smarter and right choice for Arnie’s to pursue is to rebrand as a Gastropub/fast-casual
Although the restaurant industry is perceived to have high risk of failure, the risk of a restaurant failing is not too different from other small businesses. Parsa et al. quantified the risk of failure at 26% in the first year and 57% by year 3. He also described several factors that can influence the risk of failure. Those include physical location, firm size, speed of growth, differentiation from other restaurants in the market, adapting to external trends, and management experience. In terms of location and differentiation, Paul’s bar will be located in a new development designed to attract affluent customers and with very few competitors. Paul’s small firm size increases risk because of barriers to attract partners (i.e. suppliers and bankers are prejudiced against smaller firms) and growth that may be too rapid to manage. On the other hand, Robert already has experience in the restaurant business and should know how to run the bar and subsequent restaurant. Their choice of a piano bar may be in response to local trends that favor success.
In this paper I will compare my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, to its most direct competition which in this case is Milestones Bar and Grill. These two restaurants are in competition because they target the same market and are located within one block of each other. Each restaurant is owned by one of top restaurant companies in North America. Olive Garden is owned by Darden Restaurants which also owns Red Lobster, Smokey Bones, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Seasons 52. Cara Operations Ltd. is the owner of the Milestones chain as well as Montana's, Swiss Chalet, Coza, Kelsey's, and several others. Although there are several other restaurants within the same area as the two I have chosen, I
Yesterday in the Supreme Court, arguments have rung across the room back and forth. The topic of the debate, the delivering of justices appointed by John Adams. Recently, Thomas Jefferson was elected, succeeding President John Adams. In his last days in office, John Adams appointed a total of 58 justices to serve in the peace and court of the District of Columbia. William Marbury, intended to become a justice of the peace, was angry that he was not delivered.
R/s the couple are married, there is no court order regarding custody and this a “one-time only incident.” R/s there is an arrest warrant for Arnie and should be arrested within a day or two. R/s Mrs. Burrow was advised to obtain an order of protection for herself. Mrs. Burrow will be staying with her mother, Terrie Rhines @ 107 A Brookridge Ln in Central, SC. R/s Mrs. Burrow stated that her stay in Central is not a permanent situation. R/s Mrs. Burrow is very confused.
During week two, Learning Team B will take a thorough look at the Olive Garden Italian Restaurant chain. Team B has decided that a new appetizer item should be added to the restaurant menu. The appetizer item being considered is cheese filled breadsticks served with Marinara sauce. The team will begin this marketing plan by giving an overview of the Olive Garden Restaurant, along with a detailed description of the new menu item being considered. They will also explain why marketing plays an important role in the restaurants success. A SWOTT analysis will be given to introduce all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends that should be considered prior to
Nevertheless, the majority of customers are very satisfied with the amount of serving along with the quality of their meal as well as the price paid. The strategy of being a low priced high value added has seen problems due to lack of customers which is affecting the bottom line drastically. This inevitable circumstance has put a hold on operations and started an investigation upon various neighboring competitors and their own strategies.
Friar Tucker International (FTI) is a hospitality service chain that has annual revenues in excess of $300 million and employs 1,200 people. The company currently manages 35 entertainment and cuisine establishments .FTI is seeking to expand operations through diversifying its portfolio, while maintaining the company’s strategic objectives (Apollo, 2008). This paper will discuss the issues and opportunities in
CitedAxelson, Barb. 2001. Fast Casual is Booming. Retrieved on January 22, 2008,, Julie. 2002. GRASS-ROOTS BUSINESS; Free-Range Burritos; Is This McDonald's?Retrieved on January 28, 2008,, Richard. Richard's Rules for Restaurant-Driven Revitalization.
The battle itself took the duration of a few days but was one of the most intense and fearsome battles in all of WWII. It took place in North Africa between the Allies (British + Americans) and the Axis (German+ Italian) powers. The battle was called the Battle of El Alamein and it held a high significance since it took place in Alam el Halfa, which is next to the Suez Canal that was the Allies’ main means of transporting and receiving food. This was essentially a last stand for the allies as the German-Italian forces kept advancing and conquering and showed no signs of stopping until all of Africa was under their control. However, they were stopped by the by two major generals- Eisenhower and Montgomery
About the case study and responsibilities in Reggie's failure the only responsible is Himself since his academic support counselor warned him about the fact that he was plagiarizing. Reggie committed a second fault and it was “assisting another student in committing an act of academic dishonesty”(UoPeople, 2017, Page 14). Reggie has a 1 score.
In order to achieve these strategies company undertakes a 5 P’s integrated approach to people, products, place, price and promotion. Company relies on its ability to continue to innovate and reinvesting in the restaurants to develop them according to system plans for world-wide growth, being consistent in providing excellent customer service and clean and friendly environment which enriches customers experience and create an overall difference that balances profitability with value.
The way that Burger King and other fast food restaurant chains do business and markets their products to consumers is due to the change in our society to where the consumer wants the biggest, fastest, and best product they can get for their money. This change in society can be attributed to a process known as McDonaldization. Although McDonaldization can be applied to many other parts of our society, this paper will focus on its impact on Burger King and Taco Bell restaurants. My belief is that the process of McDonaldization has lead our generations toward a more a much more efficient lifestyle, with much less quality. From my observations and studies of these fast food resturants, several themes have become
The benefits of standardisation, as well as the risks should be understood. A top down standardisation of concept precludes the bottom up learning that is necessary to adapt to dynamic markets. Moreover, it is the franchisees - who are close to customers, markets, and employees - who have the most intimate information about changes in demographics, markets, and customer tastes that are most likely to affect the future direction of the business. Yet, these people are precluded from innovating or customizing the concept to experiment or take account of local and/or changing market conditions.
fastest growing areas in franchising. Numerous systems are learning that they’re significantly more effective in presenting their products and services to the public when they do so in association with another brand.
The article I chose for the assignment is about the Shake Shack IPO (Initial Public Offering) and the environment in which is was released. The restaurant’s stock launch was a major success, as the price per share skyrocketed at a growth of 119% from $21 to $45.90, in one day of trading. With the intense growth that Shake Shack experienced, the chain of 63 restaurants was valued at $1.6 billion, which had investors pouring in. While it was expected for Shake Shack to be a success on the launch of their IPO, their valuation and continued growth has shown the shift in the market of restaurants. Society has moved from the fast food era, to a new adaptation, “fast-casual”. Restaurants such as Noodles, Chipotle, Garbanzo, and many others have capitalized on the shift from value to quality based desires.