
Army Leadership Philosophy Essay

Satisfactory Essays

SFC Blen Harline Leadership Philosophy My leadership philosophy can be summed up with one simple phrase: taking care of Soldiers. This is my charge as a leader, Soldier and Non-Commissioned Officer. The Soldiers I lead will be my utmost priority. They will carry out the tasks I give them and will look to me for guidance. They will be the ones who carry the burden of the workload. I will not take that lightly. I will seek to influence them in such a way as to motivate them both in their work and in their continued career. I will remain firm, but will always treat them with the respect and honesty that I expect from them. I will continually seek to provide a relaxed, yet professional work environment where teamwork and collaboration will be encouraged. I will ensure that my …show more content…

I will ensure this happens through assisting, mentoring, and supporting them in their work as well as providing oversight. All directives given from me will be clear, concise and purposeful. I will explain my intentions clearly. I will refrain from micromanaging and emphasize the importance of asking questions to clarify assigned tasks. I will teach my Soldiers that there is no obstacle too big that we cannot overcome it through the achievement of smaller and more manageable tasks. I will interact with my superiors with respect, courtesy and a constant drive to carry out their instructions and intentions. I will do this through the fulfillment of my aforementioned priorities and with a consistent and focused work on the duties that require my direct labor. I will be open and honest in all I do, both with my successes and mistakes. I will assist my superiors in making sure that the directives they give me are understood and the purpose is clearly identified. I will seek to influence them indirectly with my work ethic and the quality of the products I produce. Taking care of Soldiers is why I am in the U.S. Army. I will always work to prove this

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