
Aristotle Vs Aquinas Research Paper

Decent Essays

Both philosophers, St. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle, investigated the idea of happiness. Having Aristotle as a great influence in his life, Aquinas developed his own theories on happiness. In Sunma Theologica, Aquinas discusses what imperfect and perfect happiness is and how a person is able to reach both types of happiness. During a person’s lifetime, he/she is able to reach an imperfect happiness. It is not until the afterlife that the person can reach perfect happiness. Whereas in Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discusses happiness and complete happiness. Aristotle claims that a person can reach both types of happiness during his/her lifetime. Through contemplation, a person can achieve the highest level of happiness. Both philosophers would …show more content…

One type of happiness that can be achieved is imperfect happiness. This type of happiness can be achieved during one’s lifetime. In imperfect happiness, the person is actively participating in it. This happiness is earthly but also temporary. “Since happiness is a “perfect and sufficient good,” it excludes every evil and fulfills every desire. But in this life every evil cannot be excluded” (Aquinas, page 3). It is within human nature to have faults and sins. As much as a person will try to live a life that excludes all evils, he/she may hold onto a sin or regret within their lifetime. To Aquinas, he believes that though a person can have an earthly happiness, it holds him/her back from reaching a true happiness. The other type of happiness that can be achieved is perfect happiness. This type of happiness can only be achieved during the afterlife. In the afterlife, a person is freed from their evils. In the afterlife, a person who is able to get a glimpse of the Divine Essence will be able to achieve perfect happiness. “For it has been shown above that man’s perfect Happiness consists in the vision of the Divine Essence” (Aquinas, page 5). Once a person has this vision of the Divine Essence, it “fills the soul with all good things, since it unites it to the source of all goodness” (Aquinas, page 5). To Aquinas, he believes the vision of the Divine Essence would not only fully happy, …show more content…

Aquinas admired Aristotle and used him as inspiration to formulate his own ideas on happiness. Similarly, to Aquinas, Aristotle believed there was two different types of happiness: happiness and complete happiness. He discusses these two different types of happiness in his book Nicomachean Ethics. While both Aquinas and Aristotle believed that everyone is capable of achieving some sort of happiness during their lifetime, they differ in achieving the ultimate happiness. Aristotle believes that “the happy life is thought to be virtuous; now a virtuous life requires exertion” (Aristotle, page 8). Aristotle believes that you can achieve the ultimate happiness during your lifetime through contemplation. He states that happiness is self-sufficient, and that “the self-sufficiency that is spoken of must belong most to the contemplative activity” (Aristotle, page 9). Whereas, Aquinas believes that you can achieve the ultimate happiness in the afterlife. “This is clear of contemplative happiness, which is lost either by forgetfulness…lost through sickness; or again by certain occupations, whereby a man is altogether withdrawn from contemplation” (Aquinas, page 4). This is where Aquinas and Aristotle would disagree. While Aquinas and Aristotle say that there is a contemplative happiness, Aquinas believes that this type of happiness is not eternal. There are many factors in a person’s life

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