
Aristotle Virtue Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Aristotle’s virtue theory involved the idea that to be virtuous indicated that “above all, that you managed your skills and your opportunities well. To be virtuous meant to act with excellence” (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 444). In the eyes of Aristotle, everything on Earth has its own specific virtue or action of doing something well. All things in turn have a purpose. Humans can have various actions, unlike objects we use for their “main purpose”, since we are able to do multiple things in life we have numerous purposes. However, that isn’t the case in order to determine a purpose, it has to be one specific action. This is labeled as “what the thing in question does best” (Rosenstand, 2013, p.447). Telos exist for people on an individual level since this identifies what a person believes and how it influences their perception on their own individual life. As a species, the human purpose, according to Aristotle is to reason. In order to practice a virtuous lifestyle humans need to “develop a rational character. And that, according to Aristotle, is the same a moral goodness” (Rosenstand, 2013, p. 449). The process of becoming a good moral person takes hard work and dedication to continually do better and reach personal goals as well. Extremes in life will only cause issues, therefore the idea of moderation, or the “Golden Mean” is ideal for a well-balanced and virtuous lifestyle. Also, both intellectual and moral virtues are needed for a person to be truly virtuous. Five

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