P1: Marijuana is claim to cause mind altering effects. P2: Marijuana contains several types of chemicals to include carcinogens. P3: Marijuana is most likely to contribute to serious health problems. C: Therefore, marijuana should not be legalize for recreational use. The use of marijuana can cause serious medical problems for users and those around them. Smoking marijuana is believed to be a contributing source in users developing anxiety, depression, social withdrawals and other mentally related health disorders. (CNN.com, 2014) An Inductive Argument can have a premise that is false and still have strength. Inductive strength is about the degree of connection between premises and conclusion; it does not depend upon the premises being
For example, Dr. Lucido believes marijuana is a better source of a pain prescription than painkillers (Lucido). Marijuana is not as addictive as opioids, and other pills. It shows even professional doctors believe it is a better alternative. Also, multiple players in the NFL have played games while “stoned” because it helped relax them and not feel as sore after the game (Lucido). This evidence suggests that it can relax the players so they’re not as nervous. It shows they would rather be relaxed while playing and not worrying about the crowd or whatever else could possibly be going on in their life. Marijuana is proven to be a less likely of a drug to be abused. For instance, pain pills can lead to harder drugs (Kaplan). Players will get used to the pills and will need more to feel less of the pain. This evidence is important because, painkillers are a worldwide abused drug that has became a serious issue everywhere. Another reason is, these pills are eaten like candy by the players because they can get ahold of them with ease (Aditi). This evidence suggests that the pills are too easily to get ahold of, they will need more and more to get that numb pain they are looking for. This evidence is important because, prescription pills are not the best
In the film Reefer Madness there is a line that states that sale of marijuana is harder to monitor and stop than the movement of other drugs like as opium, morphine, or heroin and thus marijuana is more dangerous than other drugs. The issue this statement is trying to address is the problem of marijuana. The statement is an argument with a premise and conclusion that help address the issue. This statement uses a premise and conclusion in order to make a strong argument.
There is a lot of controversial arguments over whether the medical field should fully embrace the use of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of patients. There is evidence based practice that proves Medical Marijuana can help treat patients with signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Glaucoma, Mesothelioma, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The lists are endless of benefits of how Medical Marijuana helps treat patient’s signs and symptoms. There is also arguments against using Medical Marijuana to treat patients. Arguments against the use of Medical Marijuana include: evidence based practice lack consistency, concerns over side effects, and that it interferes with memory, learning, judgment, and perception.
Studies have proven that marijuana is no more harmful to a person’s health than alcohol or tobacco. Every year, tobacco kills roughly 390,000 people, alcohol contributes to 80,000 deaths in America and marijuana contributed to 0; no deaths from marijuana have ever been recorded in US history (Abovetheinfluence.org). When smoking tobacco, the user inhales tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and 200 other known poisons into the lungs (Abovetheinfluence.org). All forms of tobacco, including cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco, contain the addictive drug nicotine, and can also cause cancer. Alcohol alters a person's perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing. Alcohol plays a role in at least 50 percent of traffic deaths, about half of murders, and about 25 percent of suicides (Abovetheinfluence.org). Marijuana side effects include delusions, impaired memory, hallucinations and disorientation, which are no different from the side effects of alcohol alone.
Growing up, I’ve always been taught that drugs are bad, and my parents have always told me that there is nothing good to them. I remember taking D.A.R.E in fifth grade, learning how marijuana was bad for you and that you should go to jail if you use it. My teachers and parents were my role models though, so I took in everything they told me as a fact, until now. Now I realize that drugs are a good thing. Drugs are a way of life, and they are used by millions of people everyday. There are drugs such as advil, which is used to help patients who suffer from many things, including headaches and fevers. But the drug i’m talking about is marijuana.
For many years there have been many people and organizations that do not want marijuana legalized, and there are also a lot of people and organizations that do want to legalize marijuana. It is has been shown by research that this is a drug, but also has benefits to help with health issues. The plant has been a called a miracle herb, which can help people lose weight, regulate and prevent diabetes, fight cancer, help depression, treat autism, regulate seizers and other benefits (Whitley, 2015) . However, these facts have not stopped many people being against marijuana usage.
Many people are opposed to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act for a variety of reasons. One such reason is that marijuana use can not be measured. “Unlike liquor,” George Skelton of the LA Times reports “there’s no 0.08% blood alcohol equivalent for marijuana. There’s not even a common Breathalyzer to measure drugged
There is an intensive debate in society, today, about legalizing marijuana. Supporters of marijuana highlight that legalizing will not increase its consumption, and in fact will provide individuals with a legal choice. Opponents argue that legalizing marijuana will increase consumption, which would expose consumers to health risks as extreme as cancer. I believe marijuana should be legalized by the federal government. It is already being consumed in the society, and legalizing marijuana will facilitate monitoring its growth, usage, and help collect taxes. Marijuana has overwhelming support in the medical field as an alternate medicine. Also, marijuana will provide a legal alternative to individuals who rely on illegal and dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. Legalization will significantly reduce marijuana trafficking and curtail black market activities. Furthermore, legalizing will divert the cash stream from black markets to the states and the federal government, in the form of taxes. The additional revenue can be used to do additional research on
There are several myths presented to make marijuana seem harmful to one’s health, but many of them have been proven scientifically wrong. Three myths commonly presented and associated with smoking marijuana are: marijuana causes mental permanent mental illness, smoking marijuana is more harmful to the lungs than smoking tobacco, and also marijuana is a gateway drug. Through my research I have found that the commonly believed myths and misconceptions of marijuana intoxication are only social fears of those whom have not done any research on the effects of the drug.
As the world advances people’s conceptions on the world change as well. Things that were viewed as bad in the 1900’s are now acceptable, and sometimes encouraged. Almost every aspect of life today as we know it is different from what we wear, to the jobs we have, and especially what we do in our free time. One thing that is was not very socially acceptable even in the last 5 years, and is a major topic all over the United States is marijuana legalization. It has always been used, but only in private or small groups. Marijuana which has been frowned upon for a long time, and users are labeled as “burnouts” and “losers” who are failures in the world. The world is changing its view on marijuana though. In the United States 27 states and D.C. have legalized marijuana
Marijuana has been used in religious ceremonies or for medical purposes for thousands of years. I have always been against the use of Marijuana up until four years ago when my husband at the age of twenty seven underwent invasive surgery on his knee and has never been the same since. Colorado took a huge step several years ago legalizing marijuana for medical use and in recent years took the plunge to legalize it for recreational use. Marijuana is not always a bad thing nor is it always a good thing. A lot of people will compare it to any other mind altering substance and have very valid points. I would rather have a loved one or myself smoke marijuana or ingest it, instead of popping pain pills or other harmful substances put on the market by the pharmaceutical industry; Recreational use can be safe and accepting if it is regulated correctly and used responsibly.
In this era of spiriling medical costs, if there is a product that has never caused any deaths, has proven benefits, and is inexpensive, it should not only be legal, but should be aggressively pursued by governmental agencies to aid in the health care crisis. Would you be interested in a substance that could alleviate nausea and vomiting for most cancer and chemotherapy patients? How about a way to stimulate hunger so that AIDS and other immune-suppressed individuals can eat again? How about this same substance that could lower pressure on the eye and treat glaucoma? How about chronic migraines, back pain, or even nausea and vomiting cased with hepatitis? And, would you be excited if you knew that preliminary studies show that this same substance, widely available, prevents the formation of plaque deposits in the brain of Alzheimer's victims? What if you also knew this same substance had been used as far back as 10,000 in Ancient China and was one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese medicine? In fact, this same substance was used in Egypt, India, Greece, and the Medieval Islamic world with great success (Iverson). Now, what if we told you this substance, hundreds of times less expensive than modern synthetic drugs, easy to process, easy to tolerate, with almost no side-effects, grew in almost every temperate climate in the world, but, since the mid-20th century, has been illegal in most of the developed world, and is still considered to be high on the list of illicit
Marijuana has become one of the most controversial drugs in America. Ever since its cultivation began around 1611, marijuana has puzzled people with its effects. Many question marijuana?s classification as a schedule one drug. A schedule one drug is one that has a high potential for abuse and no medicinal value. Some argue that the war on drugs, in particular marijuana, has cost taxpayers billions and is wasting funds that could be used on more important tasks such as improving transportation or education. As drug arrests rise, so do the populations in state prisons. This has become an immediate problem with no real solution. The legalization of possessing small amounts of marijuana can contribute positively to the medical and
I wish you could have seen my friend Ali; the most intelligent guy I’ve ever seen. It was the first year at King Fahad University, which is considered to be the best and hardest university in the Middle East. He used to get straight A’s in all of his classes with little effort. He was the smartest. However, after a while, he started to skip classes and his grades dropped. He was not the Ali I knew. Later, I found out that he started smoking marijuana. Sadly, I have watched my friend falling to pieces while his bright future has gone along with his new habit. In light of this, I wholeheartedly believe that marijuana shouldn’t be legalized, and I hope to convince you that its harmful impact to society is greater than any benefits.
There is no intelligent argument against legalization and and regulation of cannabis that one cannot completely dismiss or disapprove. It is assumed that the most politicians are worried that supporting this controversial issue would provide negative feedback from their supporters . This is a country about freedom and choice. From the philosophical point of view individuals have the right to make choices for themselves. For instance, imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only the waiter tell you might not have it that you must have soup instead. The choice between the soup and the salad is fairly kind, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: people do not like to be forced into decisions that are capable of making for ourselves. The government only have the right to limit some choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. In this advanced county all individuals should be ruler over their own lived. It is a necessity that the government respect the individual's right as is an essential precondition for a free and prosperous country. People should be able to use any substances that they desire without inference from government or