There is no intelligent argument against legalization and and regulation of cannabis that one cannot completely dismiss or disapprove. It is assumed that the most politicians are worried that supporting this controversial issue would provide negative feedback from their supporters . This is a country about freedom and choice. From the philosophical point of view individuals have the right to make choices for themselves. For instance, imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only the waiter tell you might not have it that you must have soup instead. The choice between the soup and the salad is fairly kind, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: people do not like to be forced into decisions that are capable of making for ourselves. The government only have the right to limit some choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. In this advanced county all individuals should be ruler over their own lived. It is a necessity that the government respect the individual's right as is an essential precondition for a free and prosperous country. People should be able to use any substances that they desire without inference from government or …show more content…
In 2006 alcohol, contribute to 85 000 deaths. In 2000 tobacco contribute staggering 43 000 deaths . Marijuana has never been registered as a cause of death in the entire history of the humanity, which means that no one in history has ever died from the consumption of cannabis. However marijuana has been related to a slightly decreased lung capacity when inhaled regularly and to short-term memory damage . Marijuana is also nos as addictive as most media outlets would lead you to believe. The most addictive drug is nicotine, and this is even worse then heroine.These two are followed by cocaine and then by alcohol. Right after them comes caffeine and marijuana figures at the very bottom of the char
There is an intensive debate in society, today, about legalizing marijuana. Supporters of marijuana highlight that legalizing will not increase its consumption, and in fact will provide individuals with a legal choice. Opponents argue that legalizing marijuana will increase consumption, which would expose consumers to health risks as extreme as cancer. I believe marijuana should be legalized by the federal government. It is already being consumed in the society, and legalizing marijuana will facilitate monitoring its growth, usage, and help collect taxes. Marijuana has overwhelming support in the medical field as an alternate medicine. Also, marijuana will provide a legal alternative to individuals who rely on illegal and dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. Legalization will significantly reduce marijuana trafficking and curtail black market activities. Furthermore, legalizing will divert the cash stream from black markets to the states and the federal government, in the form of taxes. The additional revenue can be used to do additional research on
As the world advances people’s conceptions on the world change as well. Things that were viewed as bad in the 1900’s are now acceptable, and sometimes encouraged. Almost every aspect of life today as we know it is different from what we wear, to the jobs we have, and especially what we do in our free time. One thing that is was not very socially acceptable even in the last 5 years, and is a major topic all over the United States is marijuana legalization. It has always been used, but only in private or small groups. Marijuana which has been frowned upon for a long time, and users are labeled as “burnouts” and “losers” who are failures in the world. The world is changing its view on marijuana though. In the United States 27 states and D.C. have legalized marijuana
The article "Common Sense Is Needed in Marijuana Policy." By Cathy Young talks about how Marijuana should be legalized to reduce crime rates because experts believe that if marijuana were to become legalized it will reduce the amount of drug dealers, which would then get rid of many crimes revolving around narcotics. The legalization of marijuana would lead to less possession charges if it were legal to carry and it would reduce the smuggling process if marijuana were legal to grow in the United
The legalization of marijuana and other controlled substances is a highly discussed and controversial topic. Opponents have generally repeated arguments formed from long lasting government propaganda in the past, and proponents have been working tirelessly to break down those preconceptions. There are many arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana, and in many ways it is the same discussion that led to the end of prohibition. Generally, the opposing arguments are geared toward moral standards and focus on correlation as causation; the arguments for legalization are generally based on university studies and case studies from other countries and states that have already legalized marijuana. This essay will attempt to dispel the
The issue of Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic of modern times. The use of marijuana is all over the media with celebrities doing it and young people in on the craze. Marijuana is the world’s oldest illegal drug, not only that, it is also the drug that is most widely used among society today (Aanstoos, 2015). Different types of people use this drug for a variety of reasons, such as, as a way to disconnect from todays hectic world, something they are peer pressured into, or even medical reasons. My argument is against the concern of legalizing marijuana in general including medical marijuana. Before completely going all in against this drug, note that there is some relevant research, which shows Marijuana has some benefits to it. This paper will explore both points in against and in favor of legalizing marijuana to be revealed, aiming for an understanding of the issue and present a public health policy to improve and educate the public of this hot health topic.
The first recognised use of marijuana dates to 2737 B.C. where Chinese medics used this plant to treat several diseases like malaria. Marijuana first started being popular and draw worldwide attention was when the U.S. outlawed alcohol in the 1920s, many people turned to weed as a replacement for the extremely popular alcohol. Since then there has been a staggering trend in recent decades in the use of ‘pot’. Marijuana was first classified as an illigal drug in 1970 when the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) identified weed as a schedule 1 drug which is considered an illicit drug. This has caused controversy worldwide that is still ongoing today. In today's climate, one of the most controversial issues is if Cannabis should be legalized
Marijuana is a hot, controversial topic often heard of in the media. Whether the anchors talk about a drug bust or the drug wars going on in Mexico, there is no doubt marijuana is in the mind of thousands of people. Some cultures use the plant in traditional practices. Smoking the plant was a popular thing in the sixties when hippies protested for peace, love, and being one with oneself. There are other instances where hemp is used in making cleaning products. Some people use the drug for medical purposes. Depending on the generation of people who bring up the topic their side on being for or against legalization is usually based on information handed down by someone else opposed to knowing facts. Unless a person has dealt with the subject at hand personally, one should not pass judgment. Being a marijuana user does not make anyone more of a bad person as going to church does not make anyone inherently more of a saint. Legalizing marijuana, a plant used for both medical and recreational purposes, can bring an abundant amount of positive attributes to benefit our country.
It's the stupidest law just legalize it and tax it like liquor-Morgan freeman,marijuana one of the drugs that has been illegal for many years and we believe that is really dangerous. But on the contrary,we could have more benefits than we think having it legal would just create a bunch of stoners.republicans,news stations say that crime would skyrocket those facts are propaganda that people who have no knowledge of it usually use to repel other ignorant people to believe their facts to join those who oppose legalization.Due to that most people these days are scared to death to think that it has more more uses that people can use other than getting high.Individuals don't want to think for themselves and just follow the scared instead of just
Marijuana has been growing controversy for generations amongst a numerous different groups of individuals. On November 4, 2015, Mexico had announced that its nation would be legalizing marijuana (New York Times). On the same day Bernie Sanders introduces a legislation to end federal ban on marijuana (The Guardian). In almost everything political marijuana is mention and brought up to discussion. The whole idea of marijuana plays a small part in our lives whether we want it to or not, whether we support it or not.
Marijuana has been a highly controversial topic in our society for several years with the main controversy being over whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Branching off of the idea of legalization comes this idea of marijuana being used for a medical purpose. Marijuana has proved to benefit medically in multiple different ways physically and mentally. Despite the knowledge of relief marijuana could provide there are still massive amounts of controversy circulating the idea of legalization for medical purposes.
Legalizing marijuana is a concept that can potentially benefit the public as well as the local economies. There has been a nationwide debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. The major consensus is that marijuana is not only bad for one’s health, but it is also dangerous to the community. These allegations are not true. Marijuana actually has health benefits that most people overlook. The following essay will address these health benefits in an attempt to present this concept in a way that the audience can better understand how legalizing marijuana can beneficial to an individual health, how it can give an increase to the economy.
Close to half a million people die annually from alcohol and an additional one hundred thousand people a year die on average due to cigarettes. No one has died from marijuana overdose or any type of ailments related to marijuana and that is an absolute fact (Brownstein). There
As of right now on April 23rd of 2018, “there are currently eight states that have fully legalized recreational marijuana, and 18 are in the midst of doing it, this information comes from a map that shows the state marijuana laws and has been updated to today” (Governing). That is a combined number of 26 states that are going to have marijuana legalized for recreational use within the next few months. That is over half the states in the United States. At this rate most likely the other 24 states that have yet done anything about this controversial topic will soon follow and become part of the “legalized” side. To me it seems very odd on why these states are still bothering to wait, considering the fact that there really has been no negative effects proven of marijuana. In other words, marijuana should be
Does it really come to morality after all? The decision to legalize marijuana has been subject for debate since first introduced in 1969; many arguing the fact that we are sitting on an industry worth an estimated 113 billion dollars. For once we have an opportunity to make a real impact in our economy. We have an aid on “the war on drugs”. But are we then showing our children that legalizing drugs is really the answer to our problems or does only the big picture mater in the end? Will this bring for a stronger, richer nation or will this bring us down to our knees.
Alcohol was responsible 85,000 deaths in the United States in 2006. In 2000 alone, tobacco was to blame for an overwhelming 435,000 deaths. In the whole past of humanity, marijuana has never been documented as a reason of death. Not one person in noted history has died due to the consumption of cannabis. (Annual Cause of Death in the United States.). However, marijuana has been connected to short term memory loss and to a faintly condensed lung volume when habitually inhaled. Marijuana also impairs judgment and motor skills, but its effects are nowhere near as severe as those of alcohol. As is the same with other habits, those who frequently consume cannabis typically a tolerance against these side effects which makes them even less deterring.