
The Argument Against Legalization And Regulation Of Marijuana

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There is no intelligent argument against legalization and and regulation of cannabis that one cannot completely dismiss or disapprove. It is assumed that the most politicians are worried that supporting this controversial issue would provide negative feedback from their supporters . This is a country about freedom and choice. From the philosophical point of view individuals have the right to make choices for themselves. For instance, imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only the waiter tell you might not have it that you must have soup instead. The choice between the soup and the salad is fairly kind, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: people do not like to be forced into decisions that are capable of making for ourselves. The government only have the right to limit some choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. In this advanced county all individuals should be ruler over their own lived. It is a necessity that the government respect the individual's right as is an essential precondition for a free and prosperous country. People should be able to use any substances that they desire without inference from government or …show more content…

In 2006 alcohol, contribute to 85 000 deaths. In 2000 tobacco contribute staggering 43 000 deaths . Marijuana has never been registered as a cause of death in the entire history of the humanity, which means that no one in history has ever died from the consumption of cannabis. However marijuana has been related to a slightly decreased lung capacity when inhaled regularly and to short-term memory damage . Marijuana is also nos as addictive as most media outlets would lead you to believe. The most addictive drug is nicotine, and this is even worse then heroine.These two are followed by cocaine and then by alcohol. Right after them comes caffeine and marijuana figures at the very bottom of the char

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