
Arguments Against Animal Testing

Good Essays

What comes to mind when thinking about animal experimentation? Thoughts of innocent, lovable animals being stabbed with sharp needles? Well, that is not exactly the case, as animal experimentation plays a very important role in human health today. However, the idea of animals testing has become quite a controversial topic. Over the past few decades, there has been an extensive debate over the use of animals in medical and product testing. The majority of people seem to think that it is an unnecessary measure. Protests, threats, and even property damage has occurred because of the dispute between the two sides of this debate. A good majority of these protesters are unaware of the benefits animal testing brings to the human race, as well as …show more content…

Animal testing continues to assist in evolving the medical field in other ways besides testing treatments. Animals gives doctors the ability to practice different surgeries, and it has succeeded for many different operations. “Modern surgical techniques including hip replacement surgery, kidney transplants, heart transplants, and blood transfusions were all perfected in animals” (Understanding Animal Research, 2014, p.1). If animal testing were abandoned, doctors would not be able to get the practice for a certain surgery. New surgeries would not be able to develop as time moves on as well. “Experiments using animals are not merely helpful; they were and remain a necessary condition for most critical advances in protecting human health” (Silver Lake Intermediate School, 2010, p.4). Using animals in research is what keeps the human race going and safer from diseasee. Many people want to take this away, but they do not understand the importance behind using animals for experiments. Humans would struggle in so many different ways just because people do not want to harm animals in the process of medical research. Even so, animal experimentation is not as terrifying as most people would think.
Animal experimentation is not as bad as protesters see it as, they are just unaware of what it’s purpose is and how it happens. Another thing that many protesters are unaware of, is that testing products,

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