Finally, the products test on animals is completely pointless because feasible alternatives are available. Advances in technology have conveyed many other applicable alternatives to research on animals. Some of the alternatives are the use of new imaging technologies, using human cell and tissue cultures, post-mortem studies, laboratory results analysis and endoscopic analysis. Moreover, molecular epidemiology has also shown substantial potential in identifying the causes of human diseases. Currently, medical students are also taught using new and emerging technologies which are more effective and may not engage using animals for the research. Such technologies include clinical experience, interactive computer programs, human-patient simulators, studying case reports, didactic methods, and safe human-based teaching methods. The above-mentioned methods have proven to be more effective as the student is not distracted with the possibility of potentially maiming or killing an innocent animal. Therefore, when successful means of product testing are available without the use of animals, so testing potentially deadly substances on animals is …show more content…
Yet many people still are of the belief that research on animals is justified because of the following reasons: To advance scientific understanding, to consider animals as models to study disease, to develop and test potential forms of treatment before implementing on humans, and to protect the safety of people, animals, and the environment. They may also show the facts that: animal research has played a vital part in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade, humans share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body, have similar organ systems, suffer from similar diseases, cancer survival rates have continued to rise, idea of vaccines was started by
Throughout the years the use of animals in medical research has been a hot debate around the world. Although animal testing may be cruel and inhumane, thousands of humans are saved thanks to the research that animals supply researchers with. Animals testing have taken over our knowledge of medicine and treatments to a whole different level. Animal testing also does this in a cheap and effective way. Without animals testing out knowledge wouldn’t be up to date, in other words animals’ testing is good.
What if the world stopped testing on animals? What if they started testing on humans? What if a family member of yours died from a non-tested product? All of this could happen because people think using animals for testing is inhumane. Human deaths due to unsafe products may also be inhumane. People should continue with animal testing for medical purposes.
Animal testing has served many purposes in the development in medicine. Without the use of animal testing, humans would have no knowledge of the effects of a medicine, vaccine or product. The practice of using animals in research studies began with William Harvey's experiments in the seventeenth century. Harvey explained “By using different species to conduct his study, Harvey aimed to demonstrate blood circulation (Human Health).” Since then the abundance of animal research became the basis of medical, and scientific studies. Animals have made major breakthroughs in both the scientific and medical realm, however, the use of such testing is often considered inhumane and unjust. I will be evaluating
There is much debate over whether animal testing should be allowed or not. Some people think that it is not essential to sacrifice animals for human benefits because they are being abused and tortured severely during experiments. Some others who stand against animal testing claim that humans eliminate many lives on earth in order to safe humans’ lives, so there is no justice because even animals have the right to live on earth, yet these people do not consider the truth that animals are being used in the food industry or in the laboratories. Thus, if someone asks how many animals are being used in the laboratory experiments around the world every year, who can give an accurate answer? It can be one, ten, or fifty million. It is difficult to find the exact figure on this question because people only read news through mass media such as having a new vaccine which can help human avoid uterus cancer or a new medicine help humans cure strokes, but they also need to know how many lives of the animals would have to take in order to get theses vaccines. Therefore, some organizes think that animal testing is one of the most disturbing experiments ever, and it should be banned. Despite many controversies with opposing opinions, a compromise can be made in order to reduce the use of animals in the laboratory experiments.
Imagine walking into a cosmetic or medical research laboratory and seeing thousands of animals locked up in cages, deformed, injured, even dead. In 2010 a total of 26 million animals in the US were tested on ( Animals have the closest genetics to humans than anything else yet animal testing is a cruel and inhumane job and not all animals have similar organ functions to humans. Animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing.
Many of you see animal testing as cruel and inhumane, I was one that viewed it that way
Animal testing is wrong for various reasons. The history of animal testing goes back to the writings of the ancient Greeks and is defined as any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. Examples of animal testing include: forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dog’s pesticides, and dripping chemicals into rabbits’ eyes. Although, many people believe that animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments, innocent animals used in laboratories are deliberately harmed, for a company’s benefit, and are usually killed at the end of the experiment. Animal testing has negative effects on not only animals, but on society and the economy. Some reasons why include, but are not limited to: alternative methods exist that are safer, ethical, and cheaper; billions of dollars are wasted each year on animal testing because neither the corporations nor the customers are benefiting from it; and just because the product is tested for animals, it does not necessarily make it safe for humans. Therefore, because animal testing is unreliable, leads to billions of wasted dollars, and causes an incredible amount of animal suffering, we must begin to use alternative methods and raise awareness about this huge issue.
Humankind would not be developed and improved without advancement of biosciences and technology. Besides many aspects of life that scientists are working on researching to provide a high-quality life for human beings, public health is one of the main areas. As a matter of fact, scientists have conducted a number of experiments to evaluate side effects of new medicines. As a result, animals are the top testing samples which have brought into many controversies for years about using testing them for scientific purpose. In this essay, the idea of supporting this practice will argue reasons why scientists should use animals for testing.
A chimpanzee being stripped away from his mother then being secured onto the surgical table. Later that afternoon the traumatized chimpanzee lay on another operating table. The terrorized screams from the chimpanzee was soon silenced. The doctors dump the corpse into a box, plastering a number on the case. The once peaceful chimpanzee was now a burnt pile of ashes. Animal testing is when an animal goes into a laboratory for experimentation on drugs, diseases and cosmetics. Tests started to emerge during 1922. The Animal Welfare Act is in place to care for the animals in laboratories, however, 95% of these animals are not protected. Animal testing needs to be banned by the government, because of the catastrophic things done to animals and the
Today, I’m going to talk to you about 4 things. Those being; why animal testing is a problem andI Introduction
Animal research has been used for several centuries as part of experiments conducted to assure the safe use of medicine, food, cosmetics, and among other products. It is an important issue because it concerns millions of life animals that are constantly in danger for unethical practices. Animal testing has brought many debates worldwide among countries that are against this practice. I believe that the use of animals for such purposes is cruel and unnecessary.
Just think for a second. Imagine yourself in a dream and you are locked in a small metal cage, no sunlight or fresh air. You are not able to move around much or even eat when you want, and you are locked in that cage for multiple days at a time. How would you feel? Well that is how these animals feel used for animal testing. Animal testing is a debate topic for that many people have different feelings about. For example, in the article “Animals in Science” says, “Every year in the U.S., over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation, product and cosmetic testing, and science education. This includes dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, pigs, sheep, monkeys, chimpanzees, and more” (neavs). Many see animals as apart of their family who care very much for. Some people even have animals to help them with their disabilities known as a service animal. Others, on the other hand, do not care for animals as much and would rather have them used for advancing medical research. If you don’t know exactly what happens during animal testing allow me to explain. Dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys and other mammals suffer every year. But in most labs the animals used are rabbits, rats, mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs. They all go through multiple tests such as, the Draize eye test. The draize eye test is a test used by cosmetic companies to calculate irritation from the shampoos and other products. The test is done to rabbits which their eyelids are clipped open for multiple days. The product is placed in their eyes and studied for multiple days. Doing so it is not allowing them to run away, rub the product out, or even blink. Although humans benefit from the successful research done, the suffering, pain and deaths of the animals tested are not worth the human benefits. Thus, I believe the testing of products should not be done on animals.
I doubt that anyone has ever heard of the dog named libby, who was rescued from a testing facility, run by the Professional laboratory and Research Services inc. This corporation ran test on a multitude of animals, no species was safe. All animals from dogs like libby, to cats , bunnies, rats and mice, and many others. Before libby was called libby, she was known by the number that was tattooed to her ear. She was sick with hook and tapeworms and had a multiple of infections. She was also locked in dark cages.And on top of all of that; Staff screamed obscenities and physically abused the animals in their care. This story is a fact of an animal testing facility, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. I believe that animal testing should be allowed,
Did you know that 90% of animal testing fails? We are killing more than 100 million animals each year.When the percentage this low why are we still doing animal testing.That’s why animal testing should be banned from around the world.
Animal testing is a cruel thing to do. It is inhuman and should be stopped immediately. What is being done to these helpless animals is disgusting. We do not put into consideration that these animals have feelings too. While we continue to bring harm to them we do not consider their feelings.