
Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animal testing is when researchers use animals to test out the effects of drugs and diseases. Sadly, this is something that ordinary people may not be aware of the awful things innocent animals endure behind closed doors in laboratories for scientist or researchers own personal gain. Animal testing has been practiced for centuries. It wasn’t until modern day century that others have realized how inhumane animal testing is and have protested against this act so much that it has caused the U.S. government to pass laws that prohibit and protect many animals from lab testing cruelty. Even when a law is made to protect them laboratory researchers still use mice as a benefit for their studies. A writer from an article that opposes animal testing has said that animals get anxiety when a laboratory researcher enters the room. It is also shown that they can develop other mental disorders as a result of the testing. …show more content…

This reason is because some people believe that if it wasn’t for an animal human wouldn’t have made discoveries major diseases or that researchers just prefer animals and to this day the people who support animal testing hold on to similar views just like these. Now that technology is advancing quickly in this age there may be alternatives for testing, but even if the alternatives show significant improvement for research purposes it will not completely rule out animals being tested against their will. The new inventions that are called Chips are devices that are a replica of human bodily organs with these researchers will be able to test and study the side effects of drugs. But on the positive side of it has been shown that animal experimentation has been declining since the 1950’s. Even other countries have made laws to rule out testing on

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